Zolzaya Dashdorj
Cited by
Cited by
Identification and characterization of human behavior patterns from mobile phone data
P Paraskevopoulos, TC Dinh, Z Dashdorj, T Palpanas, L Serafini
D4D Challenge session, NetMob, 2013
Semantic enrichment of mobile phone data records
Z Dashdorj, L Serafini, F Antonelli, R Larcher
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2013
An application of convolutional neural networks with salient features for relation classification
Z Dashdorj, M Song
BMC bioinformatics 20, 1-12, 2019
Deriving human activity from geo-located data by ontological and statistical reasoning
Z Dashdorj, S Sobolevsky, SK Lee, C Ratti
Knowledge-Based Systems 143, 225-235, 2018
Characterization of Behavioral Patterns Exploiting Description of Geographical Areas
Z Dashdorj, S Sobolevsky
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVII …, 2016
Sustainability and resilience of indigenous siberian communities under the impact of transportation infrastructure transformation
M Kuklina, A Savvinova, V Filippova, N Krasnoshtanova, V Bogdanov, ...
Sustainability 14 (10), 6253, 2022
Impact of the spatial context on human communication activity
Z Dashdorj, S Sobolevsky
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on …, 2015
Human activity recognition from spatial data sources
Z Dashdorj, S Sobolevsky, L Serafini, C Ratti
Proceedings of the third ACM SIGSPATIAL international workshop on mobile …, 2014
Semantic interpretation of mobile phone records exploiting background knowledge
Z Dashdorj, L Serafini
Intl. Conf. Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), Doctoral Consortium 916, 2013
Development challenges of remote rural terrians: Network ontology
O Berestneva, A Tikhomirov, A Trufanov, M Kuklina, V Kuklina, D Kobylkin, ...
International Conference System Analysis In Engineering And Control, 367-381, 2021
Selection and optimization model of key performance indicators
N Purevsuren, Z Dashdorj, T Khujuu, E Norinpel
2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology …, 2020
Global brain and beyond: a concerted model of interacting networks
A Tikhomirov, A Butin, S Grigorev, A Trufanov, O Berestneva, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1680 (1), 012049, 2020
High‐level event identification in social media
Z Dashdorj, E Altangerel
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 4668, 2018
High Level Event Identification in Social Media
Z Dashdorj, B Tsogtbaatar, A Tumurchudur, E Altangerel
12th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG), IEEE …, 2016
Classification of news by topic using location data
Z Dashdorj, MT Khan, L Bozzato, SK Lee
Semantic Technology: 6th Joint International Conference, JIST 2016 …, 2016
Semantic Enrichment of Mobile Phone Data Records Using Linked Open Data.
Z Dashdorj, L Serafini
ISWC (Posters & Demos), 285-288, 2013
Transborder processes in sustainable development of sayan cross: network ontology
O Berestneva, A Tikhomirov, M Korniakov, MV Kuklina, AI Trufanov, ...
Ресурсы, окружающая среда и региональное устойчивое развитие в Северо …, 2022
Semantic enrichment of mobile phone data records using background knowledge
Z Dashdorj, S Sobolevsky, L Serafini, F Antonelli, C Ratti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.05895, 2015
Deep learning model for Mongolian Citizens Feedback Analysis using Word Vector Embeddings
Z Dashdorj, T Munkhbayar, S Grigorev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.12069, 2023
Network landscape representation: ecosystem services context
D Kobylkin, N Krasnoshtanova, M Kuklina, A Trufanov, E Altangerel, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 751 (1), 012010, 2021
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