Daniel Hill-McManus
Daniel Hill-McManus
Bangor University
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Effects of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on different income and socioeconomic groups: a modelling study
J Holmes, Y Meng, PS Meier, A Brennan, C Angus, A Campbell-Burton, ...
The Lancet 383 (9929), 1655-1664, 2014
Trend analysis and modelling of gender‐specific age, period and birth cohort effects on alcohol abstention and consumption level for drinkers in G reat B ritain using the G …
Y Meng, J Holmes, D Hill‐McManus, A Brennan, PS Meier
Addiction 109 (2), 206-215, 2014
Estimation of own and cross price elasticities of alcohol demand in the UK—A pseudo-panel approach using the Living Costs and Food Survey 2001–2009
Y Meng, A Brennan, R Purshouse, D Hill-McManus, C Angus, J Holmes, ...
Journal of health economics 34, 96-103, 2014
Potential benefits of minimum unit pricing for alcohol versus a ban on below cost selling in England 2014: modelling study
A Brennan, Y Meng, J Holmes, D Hill-McManus, PS Meier
Bmj 349, 2014
Alcohol tax pass‐through across the product and price range: do retailers treat cheap alcohol differently?
AK Ally, Y Meng, R Chakraborty, PW Dobson, JS Seaton, J Holmes, ...
Addiction 109 (12), 1994-2002, 2014
Adjusting for unrecorded consumption in survey and per capita sales data: quantification of impact on gender-and age-specific alcohol-attributable fractions for oral and …
PS Meier, Y Meng, J Holmes, B Baumberg, R Purshouse, D Hill-McManus, ...
Alcohol and Alcoholism 48 (2), 241-249, 2013
Model-based appraisal of alcohol minimum pricing and off-licensed trade discount bans in Scotland using the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model (v. 2): Second update based on newly …
Y Meng, D Hill-McManus, A Brennan, P Meier
Sheffield: ScHARR, University of Sheffield, 2012
Surgical microdiscectomy versus transforaminal epidural steroid injection in patients with sciatica secondary to herniated lumbar disc (NERVES): a phase 3, multicentre, open …
MJ Wilby, A Best, E Wood, G Burnside, E Bedson, H Short, D Wheatley, ...
The Lancet Rheumatology 3 (5), e347-e356, 2021
Modelled income group-specific impacts of alcohol minimum unit pricing in England 2014/15: Policy appraisals using new developments to the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model (v2. 5)
Y Meng, A Brennan, J Holmes, D Hill-McManus, C Angus, R Purshouse, ...
Sheffield: ScHARR, University of Sheffield, 2013
Model-based appraisal of alcohol minimum pricing in Ontario and British Columbia: a Canadian adaptation of the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model Version 2
D Hill-McManus, A Brennan, T Stockwell, N Giesbrecht, G Thomas, ...
ScHARR, University of Sheffield, 2012
Impact of non‐adherence on the safety and efficacy of uric acid‐lowering therapies in the treatment of gout
D Hill‐McManus, E Soto, S Marshall, S Lane, D Hughes
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 84 (1), 142-152, 2018
Estimation of usual occasion-based individual drinking patterns using diary survey data
D Hill-McManus, C Angus, Y Meng, J Holmes, A Brennan, PS Meier
Drug and alcohol dependence 134, 136-143, 2014
Linked Pharmacometric‐Pharmacoeconomic modeling and simulation in clinical drug development
D Hill‐McManus, S Marshall, J Liu, RJ Willke, DA Hughes
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 110 (1), 49-63, 2021
Impact of non-adherence and flare resolution on the cost-effectiveness of treatments for gout: application of a linked pharmacometric/pharmacoeconomic model
D Hill-McManus, S Marshall, E Soto, S Lane, D Hughes
Value in Health 21 (12), 1373-1381, 2018
Modeling the potential impact of changing access rates to specialist treatment for alcohol dependence for local authorities in England: The Specialist Treatment for Alcohol …
A Brennan, D Hill-McManus, T Stone, P Buykx, A Ally, RE Pryce, R Alston, ...
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Supplement, 96-109, 2019
The use of exploratory analyses within the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence single technology appraisal process: an evaluation and qualitative analysis
E Kaltenthaler, C Carroll, D Hill-McManus, A Scope, M Holmes, S Rice, ...
Health technology assessment, 1-48, 2016
The type and impact of evidence review group exploratory analyses in the NICE single technology appraisal process
C Carroll, E Kaltenthaler, D Hill-McManus, A Scope, M Holmes, S Rice, ...
Value in Health 20 (6), 785-791, 2017
Injury alcohol-attributable fractions: methodological issues and developments
D Hill-McManus, CR Angus, Y Meng, J Holmes, A Brennan, P Meier
Health Economics and Decision Science, School of Health and Related Research …, 2014
Integration of pharmacometrics and pharmacoeconomics to quantify the value of improved forgiveness to nonadherence: a case study of novel xanthine oxidase inhibitors for gout
D Hill‐McManus, S Marshall, E Soto, DA Hughes
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 106 (3), 652-660, 2019
Microdiscectomy compared with transforaminal epidural steroid injection for persistent radicular pain caused by prolapsed intervertebral disc: the NERVES RCT.
MJ Wilby, A Best, E Wood, G Burnside, E Bedson, H Short, D Wheatley, ...
Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England) 25 (24), 1, 2021
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Articles 1–20