Ririn Sri Kuntorini
Ririn Sri Kuntorini
Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Islam Bandung, Unisba
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Pengaruh Pengetahuan Laporan Keuangan Terhadap Kinerja UMKM Tahu Cibuntu
N Hernawati, RS Kuntorini, IP Pramono
Kajian Akuntansi 20 (2), 246-255, 2019
The Implementation of SAK EMKM on UMKM Financial Reports (Case Study of Cibuntu Tofu UMKM, Bandung)
N Hernawati, RS Kuntorini, IP Pramono
2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 178-182, 2020
Implementasi Good Zakat Governance Pada BAZNAZ Se-Bandung Raya
S Fadilah, M Maemunah, N Hernawati, RS Kuntorini
Kajian Akuntansi 19 (2), 111-120, 2018
Factors influence on the quality of management accounting information system and its impacts on good corporate governance implementation
R Lestari, D Sofianty, RS Kuntorini
2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019), 5-8, 2020
Analisis Hardskill Mahasiswa Akuntansi Terhadap Kompetensi Auditor Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
N Hernawati, M Maemunah, RS Kuntorini
Kajian Akuntansi 22 (1), 109-117, 2021
The Role Of Supply Chain Management (SCM) On MSME Performance Using BibliometricI Analysis
N Nurleli, RS Kuntorini, E Halimatusadiah, IP Pramono
Kajian Akuntansi 23 (1), 43-49, 2022
The influence of quality of management accounting information system on the implementation of good corporate governance and it impacts on the company performance
R Lestari, D Sofianty, RS Kuntorini
Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 26-29, 2019
Persaingan Usaha di Industri Kerajinan Batik Trusmi di Kabupaten Cirebon (Aplikasi Porter’ s Five Force Model)
A Julia, N Nurfahmiyati, EN Hasanah, RS Kuntorini
Prosiding SNaPP: Sosial, Ekonomi dan Humaniora 7 (2), 286-291, 2017
The use of accounting application software in micro, small, and medium enterprises (study case in Bojong Soang)
IP Pramono, A Suangga, R Lestari, N Nurleli, RS Kuntorini, ...
Islam, Media and Education in the Digital Era, 259-264, 2022
Penguasaan Diksi sebagai Penguatan Soft Skill Komunikasi dan Negosiasi dalam Kompetensi Auditor bagi Mahasiswa Akuntansi
RS Kuntorini
Kajian Akuntansi 22 (1), 118-134, 2021
Effectiveness Zakat Operational Risk Management on the Pandemic Era of Covid 19
N Hernawati, M Maemunah, RS Kuntorini
4th Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2021), 196-199, 2022
Empowerment of Ciburial knowledge MSMEs through information technology in supply chain management
N Nurleli, IP Purnomo, R Kuntorini, E Halimatusadiah, R Suhandoyo, ...
4th Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2021), 216-219, 2022
Assistance and Empowerment of MSMEs: Application of Information Technology (E-Commerce) in Increasing MSME Income in Ciburial Tourism Village
RS Kuntorini, A Fauzan, E Halimatusadiah, ML Oktaroza, R Suhandoyo, ...
KnE Social Sciences, 1420–1427-1420–1427, 2023
Analysis of the Presentation of Financial Statements and the Morality of Apparatus on the Potential of Fraud in Village Financial Management
M Maemunah, N Hernawati, RS Kuntorini
KnE Social Sciences, 369–379-369–379, 2023
The Role of Internal Audit in Risk Management in Bandung Amil Zakat Institutios (LAZ) in The Era of Covid-19 Pandemic
M Maemunah, N Hernawati, RS Kuntorini, H Heliana
Kajian Akuntansi 23 (2), 224-237, 2022
Accountant competency needs in the industrial revolution 4.0 Era: Focus on soft skills
N Hernawati, M Maemunah, RS Kuntorini, S Fadilah
Islam, Media and Education in the Digital Era, 43-51, 2022
Penggunaan Flouting dalam Tayangan Humor Opera Van Java sebagai Cermin Budaya Komunikasi Kontemporer
RS Kuntorini, MA Pradana
Jurnal Sosioteknologi 13 (3), 228-235, 2014
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Articles 1–17