Samuel Adewale Adelabu
Samuel Adewale Adelabu
Professor of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Applications, University of the Free State
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Cited by
Evaluating the impact of red–edge band from Rapideye Image for classifying insect defoliation levels
S Adelabu, O Mutanga, E Adam
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 95, 34-41, 2014
Exploiting machine learning algorithms for tree species classification in a semiarid woodland using RapidEye image
S Adelabu, O Mutanga, E Adam, MA Cho
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 7 (1), 073480, 2013
Remote sensing of aboveground forest biomass: A review
B Tsitsi
Trop. Ecol 57, 125-132, 2016
Water quality monitoring in sub-Saharan African lakes: a review of remote sensing applications
T Dube, O Mutanga, K Seutloali, S Adelabu, C Shoko
African Journal of Aquatic Science 40 (1), 1-7, 2015
Testing the reliability and stability of the internal accuracy assessment of Random Forest for classifying tree defoliation levels using different validation methods
S Adelabu, O Mutanga, E Adam
Geocarto International, 1-24, 2015
Early warning systems development for agricultural drought assessment in Nigeria
O Adedeji, A Olusola, G James, HA Shaba, IR Orimoloye, SK Singh, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192, 1-21, 2020
Dominant malaria vector species in Nigeria: Modelling potential distribution of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato and its siblings with MaxEnt
GE Akpan, KA Adepoju, OR Oladosu, SA Adelabu
PLoS One 13 (10), e0204233, 2018
Improving accuracy of Landsat-8 OLI classification using image composite and multisource data with Google Earth Engine
KA Adepoju, SA Adelabu
Remote Sensing Letters 11 (2), 107-116, 2020
Employing ground and satellite-based QuickBird data and random forest to discriminate five tree species in a Southern African Woodland
S Adelabu, T Dube
Geocarto International 30 (4), 457-471, 2014
Vegetation response to recent trends in climate and landuse dynamics in a typical humid and dry tropical region under global change
K Adepoju, S Adelabu, O Fashae
Advances in Meteorology 2019 (1), 4946127, 2019
Application of deep learning with stratified K-fold for vegetation species discrimation in a protected mountainous region using Sentinel-2 image
EG Adagbasa, SA Adelabu, TW Okello
Geocarto International 37 (1), 142-162, 2022
Spectral Discrimination of Insect Defoliation Levels in Mopane Woodland Using Hyperspectral Data
S Adelabu, O Mutanga, E Adam, R Sebego
Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing …, 2014
Applying the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) remote sensing model to estimate spatial variations in evapotranspiration in Southern Zimbabwe
T Dube, S Adelabu, C Shoko, M Sibanda
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 70 (1), 47-55, 2015
Applying the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) remote sensing model to estimate spatial variations in evapotranspiration in Southern Zimbabwe
C Shoko, T Dube, M Sibanda, S Adelabu
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 70 (1), 47-55, 2015
Development of post-fire vegetation response-ability model in grassland mountainous ecosystem using GIS and remote sensing
EG Adagbasa, SA Adelabu, TW Okello
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 164, 173-183, 2020
Early geography of the coronavirus disease outbreak in Nigeria
A Olusola, B Olusola, O Onafeso, F Ajiola, S Adelabu
GeoJournal 87 (733–747), 1-15, 2022
A Review of Remote Sensing of Insect Defoliation and its Implications for the Detection and Mapping of Imbrasia belina Defoliation of Mopane Woodland
S Adelabu, O Mutanga, MA Cho
African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 6 (1), 1-13, 2012
Estimation of fire potential index in mountainous protected region using remote sensing
SA Adelabu, KA Adepoju, OD Mofokeng
Geocarto International 35 (1), 29-46, 2020
A persistent fact: reflections on drought severity evaluation over Nigerian Sahel using MOD13Q1
IR Orimoloye, AO Olusola, O Ololade, S Adelabu
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-18, 2021
Spatio-temporal assessment of fire severity in a protected and mountainous ecosystem
GE Adagbasa, SA Adelabu, TW Okello
IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2018
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Articles 1–20