Elizabeth A Sanders
Elizabeth A Sanders
Associate Professor, Measurement & Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle
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Cited by
Further evidence for teacher knowledge: Supporting struggling readers in grades three through five
D McCutchen, L Green, RD Abbott, EA Sanders
Reading and Writing 22, 401-423, 2009
Relative effectiveness of reading practice or word-level instruction in supplemental tutoring: How text matters
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders, JA Peyton
Journal of Learning Disabilities 38 (4), 364-380, 2005
Effects of reading decodable texts in supplemental first-grade tutoring
JR Jenkins, JA Peyton, EA Sanders, PF Vadasy
Scientific Studies of Reading 8 (1), 53-85, 2004
Code-oriented instruction for kindergarten students at risk for reading difficulties: A randomized field trial with paraeducator implementers.
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders, JA Peyton
Journal of Educational Psychology 98 (3), 508, 2006
Checking equity: Why differential item functioning analysis should be a routine part of developing conceptual assessments
P Martinková, A Drabinová, YL Liaw, EA Sanders, JL McFarland, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 16 (2), rm2, 2017
Repeated reading intervention: Outcomes and interactions with readers' skills and classroom instruction.
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders
Journal of Educational Psychology 100 (2), 272, 2008
Efficacy of supplemental phonics-based instruction for low-skilled kindergarteners in the context of language minority status and classroom phonics instruction.
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders
Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (4), 786, 2010
A comparison of lecture-based and challenge-based learning in a workplace setting: Course designs, patterns of interactivity, and learning outcomes
TK O'Mahony, NJ Vye, JD Bransford, EA Sanders, R Stevens, ...
Journal of the Learning Sciences 21 (1), 182-206, 2012
Behavior intervention for students with externalizing behavior problems: Primary-level standard protocol
GJ Benner, JR Nelson, EA Sanders, NC Ralston
Exceptional Children 78 (2), 181-198, 2012
Online learning based on essential concepts and formative assessment
D Lawton, N Vye, J Bransford, E Sanders, M Richey, D French, ...
Journal of Engineering Education 101 (2), 244-287, 2012
Benefits of repeated reading intervention for low-achieving fourth-and fifth-grade students
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders
Remedial and Special Education 29 (4), 235-249, 2008
Paraeducator-supplemented instruction in structural analysis with text reading practice for second and third graders at risk for reading problems
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders, JA Peyton
Remedial and Special Education 27 (6), 365-378, 2006
Effectiveness of paraeducator-supplemented individual instruction: Beyond basic decoding skills
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders, S Tudor
Journal of Learning Disabilities 40 (6), 508-525, 2007
Effects of supplemental early reading intervention at 2-year follow up: Reading skill growth patterns and predictors
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders, RD Abbott
Scientific studies of reading 12 (1), 51-89, 2008
Timing and intensity of tutoring: A closer look at the conditions for effective early literacy tutoring
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders, JA Peyton, JR Jenkins
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 17 (4), 227-241, 2002
Interventions that enhance breastfeeding initiation, duration, and exclusivity: a systematic review
NK Wood, NF Woods, ST Blackburn, EA Sanders
MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 41 (5), 299-307, 2016
Supplemental fluency intervention and determinants of reading outcomes
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders
Scientific Studies of Reading 13 (5), 383-425, 2009
Efficacy of supplemental phonics-based instruction for low-skilled first graders: How language minority status and pretest characteristics moderate treatment response
PF Vadasy, EA Sanders
Scientific Studies of Reading 15 (6), 471-497, 2011
Bioinformatics education in high school: implications for promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers
DN Kovarik, DG Patterson, C Cohen, EA Sanders, KA Peterson, SG Porter, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 12 (3), 441-459, 2013
Partially Nested Randomized Controlled Trials in Education Research: A Guide to Design and Analysis. NCER 2014-2000.
S Lohr, PZ Schochet, E Sanders
National Center for Education Research, 2014
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Articles 1–20