Claudia Zimmer
Claudia Zimmer
J. W. Goethe University of Frankfurt
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Male fish use prior knowledge about rivals to adjust their mate choice
D Bierbach, A Girndt, S Hamfler, M Klein, F Mücksch, M Penshorn, ...
Biology Letters 7 (3), 349-351, 2011
Complementary effect of natural and sexual selection against immigrants maintains differentiation between locally adapted fish
M Plath, R Riesch, A Oranth, J Dzienko, N Karau, A Schießl, S Stadler, ...
Naturwissenschaften 97, 769-774, 2010
Extreme habitats are not refuges: poeciliids suffer from increased aerial predation risk in sulphidic southern Mexican habitats
R Riesch, A Oranth, J Dzienko, N Karau, A SCHIEßL, S Stadler, A Wigh, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 101 (2), 417-426, 2010
‘At the crossroads towards polyploidy’: genomic divergence and extent of homoploid hybridization are drivers for the formation of the ox‐eye daisy polyploid complex …
F Wagner, T Ott, C Zimmer, V Reichhart, R Vogt, C Oberprieler
New Phytologist 223 (4), 2039-2053, 2019
Does personality affect premating isolation between locally-adapted populations?
C Sommer-Trembo, D Bierbach, L Arias-Rodriguez, Y Verel, J Jourdan, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 16, 1-13, 2016
On the natural history of an introduced population of guppies (Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859) in Germany.
J Jourdan, FW Miesen, C Zimmer, K Gasch, F Herder, E Schleucher, ...
BioInvasions Record 3 (3), 2014
Shared and unique patterns of phenotypic diversification along a stream gradient in two congeneric species
J Jourdan, ST Krause, VM Lazar, C Zimmer, C Sommer-Trembo, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 38971, 2016
Toxic hydrogen sulphide shapes brain anatomy: a comparative study of sulphide‐adapted ecotypes in the Poecilia mexicana complex
T Schulz‐Mirbach, C Eifert, R Riesch, MS Farnworth, C Zimmer, ...
Journal of Zoology 300 (3), 163-176, 2016
Predator experience homogenizes consistent individual differences in predator avoidance
C Sommer-Trembo, C Zimmer, J Jourdan, D Bierbach, M Plath
Journal of Ethology 34, 155-165, 2016
Microhabitat use, population densities, and size distributions of sulfur cave-dwelling Poecilia mexicana
J Jourdan, D Bierbach, R Riesch, A Schießl, A Wigh, L Arias-Rodriguez, ...
PeerJ 2, e490, 2014
Predator avoidance in extremophile fish
D Bierbach, M Schulte, N Herrmann, C Zimmer, L Arias-Rodriguez, ...
Life 3 (1), 161-180, 2013
Response to conspecific chemical cues in surface- and cave-dwelling populations of Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana
J Jourdan, M Jordan, C Zimmer, C Eifert, L Arias-Rodriguez, M Plath
Environmental biology of fishes 99, 697-703, 2016
Are there morphological and life‐history traits under climate‐dependent differential selection in S Tunesian Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss. (Brassicaceae …
C Oberprieler, C Zimmer, M Bog
Ecology and evolution 8 (2), 1047-1062, 2018
Male fish use prior knowledge about rivals to adjust their mate choice
M Schwinn, C Zimmer, I Schlupp, B Streit, M Plath
Biol Lett 7, 349351Bierbach, 2011
Female Choice Undermines the Emergence of Strong Sexual Isolation between Locally Adapted Populations of Atlantic Mollies (Poecilia mexicana)
C Zimmer, R Riesch, J Jourdan, D Bierbach, L Arias-Rodriguez, M Plath
Genes 9 (5), 232, 2018
Mate choice copying in both sexes of the guppy: The role of sperm competition risk and sexual harassment
C Zimmer, AS Gavalas, B Kunkel, J Hanisch, S Martin, S Bischoff, M Plath, ...
Sexual selection: evolutionary perspectives, mating strategies and long-term …, 2013
Male Grijalva mosquitofish (Heterophallus milleri Radda, 1987) increase individual mating preferences in front of an audience
D Bierbach, M Ziege, C Zimmer, R Riesch, I Schlupp, L Arias-Rodriguez, ...
Aqua Int J Ichthyol 18 (4), 199-208, 2012
Mechanismen reproduktiver Isolation bei schwefelangepassten Formen des Atlantikkärpflings (Poecilia spec.)
C Zimmer
Dissertation, Frankfurt am Main, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, 2019, 2019
Male fish use prior knowledge about rivals to adjust their mate
M Schwinn, C Zimmer, I Schlupp, B Streit, M Plath, D Bierbach, A Girndt, ...
City Slang: Wie Amsel und Blaumeise sich dem Stadtleben anpassen
C Zimmer, D Eikelmann, M Jurkechova, M Jansen, DT Tietze
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Articles 1–20