Dynamics of human gait CL Vaughan, BL Davis, CO Jeremy Kiboho Publishers, 1999 | 2099* | 1999 |
Automatic detection of gait events using kinematic data CM O’Connor, SK Thorpe, MJ O’Malley, CL Vaughan Gait & posture 25 (3), 469-474, 2007 | 644 | 2007 |
Muscle response to heavy resistance exercise in children with spastic cerebral palsy DL Damiano, CL Vaughan, ME Abel Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 37 (8), 731-739, 1995 | 429 | 1995 |
Effects of quadriceps femoris muscle strengthening on crouch gait in children with spastic diplegia DL Damiano, LE Kelly, CL Vaughan Physical Therapy 75, 658-667, 1995 | 367 | 1995 |
Rectification and non-linear pre-processing of EMG signals for cortico-muscular analysis LJ Myers, M Lowery, M O'malley, CL Vaughan, C Heneghan, ASC Gibson, ... Journal of neuroscience methods 124 (2), 157-165, 2003 | 321 | 2003 |
Photographic measurement of upper-body sitting posture of high school students: a reliability and validity study SM Van Niekerk, Q Louw, C Vaughan, K Grimmer-Somers, K Schreve BMC musculoskeletal disorders 9, 1-11, 2008 | 292 | 2008 |
Theories of bipedal walking: an odyssey CL Vaughan Journal of biomechanics 36 (4), 513-523, 2003 | 261 | 2003 |
Biomechanical variables associated with Achilles tendinopathy in runners LB Azevedo, MI Lambert, CL Vaughan, CM O’Connor, MP Schwellnus British journal of sports medicine 43 (4), 288-292, 2009 | 209 | 2009 |
Froude and the contribution of naval architecture to our understanding of bipedal locomotion CL Vaughan, MJ O’Malley Gait & posture 21 (3), 350-362, 2005 | 206 | 2005 |
Gait assessment of fixed ankle-foot orthoses in children with spastic diplegia MF Abel, GA Juhl, CL Vaughan, DL Damiano Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 79 (2), 126-133, 1998 | 204 | 1998 |
A neural network representation of electromyography and joint dynamics in human gait F Sepulveda, DM Wells, CL Vaughan Journal of biomechanics 26 (2), 101-109, 1993 | 199 | 1993 |
Dynamics of Human Gait C Vaughan, J Davis, Brian, O'Connor | 199* | |
Orthotic management of gait in spastic diplegia1 WE Carlson, CL Vaughan, DL Damiano, MF Abel American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 76 (3), 219-225, 1997 | 175 | 1997 |
Abduction-adduction moments at the knee during stair ascent and descent DL Kowalk, JA Duncan, CL Vaughan Journal of biomechanics 29 (3), 383-388, 1996 | 175 | 1996 |
The effects of ankle guards and taping on joint motion before, during, and after a squash match KH Myburgh, CL Vaughan, SK Isaacs The American Journal of Sports Medicine 12 (6), 441-446, 1984 | 158 | 1984 |
Phasic behavior of EMG signals during gait: use of multivariate statistics BL Davis, CL Vaughan Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 3 (1), 51-60, 1993 | 156 | 1993 |
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and joint dynamics during stair climbing. DL Kowalk, JA Duncan, FC McCue 3rd, CL Vaughan Medicine and science in sports and exercise 29 (11), 1406-1413, 1997 | 148 | 1997 |
Fundamental patterns of bilateral muscle activity in human locomotion KS Olree, CL Vaughan Biological cybernetics 73 (5), 409-414, 1995 | 144 | 1995 |
Three-dimensional analysis of human locomotion P Allard, A Cappozzo, A Lundberg, C Vaughan John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998 | 143 | 1998 |
Fuzzy clustering of children with cerebral palsy based on temporal-distance gait parameters MJ O'Malley, MF Abel, DL Damiano, CL Vaughan IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering 5 (4), 300-309, 1997 | 137 | 1997 |