Tatsu Takeuchi
Tatsu Takeuchi
Virginia Tech Department of Physics
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Estimation of oblique electroweak corrections
ME Peskin, T Takeuchi
Physical Review D 46 (1), 381, 1992
New constraint on a strongly interacting Higgs sector
ME Peskin, T Takeuchi
Physical Review Letters 65 (8), 964-967, 1990
Theory of neutrinos: a white paper
RN Mohapatra, S Antusch, KS Babu, G Barenboim, MC Chen, ...
Reports on Progress in Physics 70 (11), 1757, 2007
Light sterile neutrinos: a white paper
KN Abazajian, MA Acero, SK Agarwalla, AA Aguilar-Arevalo, CH Albright, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.5379, 2012
Exact solution of the harmonic oscillator in arbitrary dimensions with minimal length uncertainty relations
LN Chang, D Minic, N Okamura, T Takeuchi
Physical Review D 65 (12), 125027, 2002
Effect of the minimal length uncertainty relation on the density of states and the cosmological constant problem
LN Chang, D Minic, N Okamura, T Takeuchi
Physical Review D 65 (12), 125028, 2002
Short distance versus long distance physics: The classical limit of the minimal length uncertainty relation
S Benczik, LN Chang, D Minic, N Okamura, S Rayyan, T Takeuchi
Physical Review D 66 (2), 026003, 2002
Fundamental physics at the intensity frontier
JL Hewett, H Weerts, R Brock, JN Butler, BCK Casey, J Collar, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.2671, 2012
Quantum gravity, torsion, parity violation, and all that
L Freidel, D Minic, T Takeuchi
Physical Review D 72 (10), 104002, 2005
Hydrogen-atom spectrum under a minimal-length hypothesis
S Benczik, LN Chang, D Minic, T Takeuchi
Physical Review A 72 (1), 012104, 2005
Oblique corrections to the W width
JL Rosner, MP Worah, T Takeuchi
Physical Review D 49 (3), 1363, 1994
Higher mass scales and mass hierarchies (YCTP-P25-88)
T Appelquist, T Takeuchi, M Einhorn, LCR Wijewardhana
Physics Letters B 220 (1), 223-228, 1989
Analytical and numerical study of the Schwinger-Dyson equation with four-fermion coupling
T Takeuchi
Physical Review D 40 (8), 2697, 1989
On the minimal length uncertainty relation and the foundations of string theory
LN Chang, Z Lewis, D Minic, T Takeuchi
Advances in High Energy Physics 2011, 493514, 2011
NuTeV anomaly, neutrino mixing, and a heavy Higgs boson
W Loinaz, N Okamura, T Takeuchi, LCR Wijewardhana
Physical Review D 67 (7), 073012, 2003
NuTeV anomaly, lepton universality, and nonuniversal neutrino-gauge couplings
W Loinaz, N Okamura, S Rayyan, T Takeuchi, LCR Wijewardhana
Physical Review D 70 (11), 113004, 2004
Constraints on topcolor assisted technicolor models from vertex corrections
W Loinaz, T Takeuchi
Physical Review D 60, 015005, 1998
Analytical approximation of the neutrino oscillation matter effects at large θ_13
SK Agarwalla, Y Kao, T Takeuchi
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (4), 47, 2014
Constraints on flavor-diagonal non-standard neutrino interactions from Borexino Phase-II
SK Agarwalla, M Agostini, K Altenmueller, S Appel, V Atroshchenko, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2020 (2), 1-29, 2020
Indirect probes of new physics
JL Hewett, T Takeuchi, S Thomas
Electroweak symmetry breaking and new physics at the TeV scale, 548-649, 1996
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Articles 1–20