Adam Love
Adam Love
Associate Professor at University of Tennessee
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Sport labor migration and collegiate sport in the United States: A typology of migrant athletes
A Love, S Kim
Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics 4 (9), 90-104, 2011
Effects of Motives on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions of Volunteers at a PGA Tour Event
A Love, R Hardin, GY Koo, A Morse
International Journal of Sport Management 12 (1), 86-101, 2011
Cross-Cultural Adjustments and International Collegiate Athletes
N Popp, A Love, S Kim, MA Hums
Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 3 (1), 163-181, 2010
The Intersection of Sport Management and Sociology of Sport Research: A Social Network Perspective
A Love, DPS Andrew
Sport Management Review 15 (2), 244-256, 2012
Social Justice, Sport and Racism: A Position Statement
A Love, A Deeb, SN Waller
Quest 71 (2), 227-238, 2019
Transgender Exclusion and Inclusion in Sport
A Love
Routledge Handbook of Sport, Gender and Sexuality, 376-383, 2014
Out of bounds? Racial discourse on college basketball message boards
A Love, MW Hughey
Ethnic and Racial Studies 38 (6), 877-893, 2015
Equity or Essentialism? U.S. Courts and the Legitimation of Girls' Teams in High School Sport
A Love, K Kelly
Gender & Society 25 (2), 227-249, 2011
Coaching style, sport enjoyment, and intent to continue participation among artistic swimmers
S Kim, S Park, A Love, TC Pang
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 16 (3), 477-489, 2021
Media Representations of Multiracial Athletes
A Deeb, A Love
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 42 (2), 95-114, 2018
Effects of Leadership Style on Coach-Athlete Relationship, Athletes’ Motivations, and Athlete Satisfaction
H Jin, S Kim, A Love, Y Jin, J Zhao
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1012953, 2022
Organizational citizenship behavior in sport: A perspective from athletes
A Love, S Kim
Journal of Sport Management 33 (1), 25-36, 2019
How do adults with Down syndrome perceive physical activity?
A Love, S Agiovlasitis
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 33 (3), 253-270, 2016
Coverage of the Gay Games from 1980-2012 in US Newspapers: An analysis of newspaper article framing
S Lee, S Kim, A Love
Journal of Sport Management 28 (2), 176-188, 2014
Media Framing of the Unified Korean Olympic Women’s Ice Hockey Team
T Oh, S Kim, A Love, WJ Seo
Communication & Sport 9 (6), 888-910, 2021
The tenuous inclusion of transgender athletes in sport
A Love
Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport, 194-205, 2017
“Two heads are better than one”: A continuum of social change in sport management
A Love, SB Bernstein, R King-White
Sport Management Review 24 (2), 345-364, 2021
Soccer-Specific Stadiums and Attendance in Major League Soccer: Investigating the Novelty Effect
A Love, AN Kavazis, A Morse, KC Mayer
Journal of Applied Sport Management 5 (2), 32-41, 2013
Excessive Celebration? The Racialization of Recruiting Commitments on College Football Internet Message Boards
A Love, B Gonzalez-Sobrino, MW Hughey
Sociology of Sport Journal 34 (3), 235-247, 2017
How do elite sport organizations frame diversity and inclusion? A critical race analysis
A Gardner, A Love, S Waller
Sport Management Review 26 (3), 339-360, 2023
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