Kyle Goldschmidt
Kyle Goldschmidt
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Cited by
Epithelial and melanocytic tumors of the skin
MH Goldschmidt, KH Goldschmidt
Tumors in domestic animals, 88-141, 2016
Humanitarian operations and crisis/disaster management: A retrospective review of the literature and framework for development
KH Goldschmidt, S Kumar
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 20, 1-13, 2016
Strategic sourcing under severe disruption risk: Learning failures and under-diversification bias
K Goldschmidt, M Kremer, DJ Thomas, CW Craighead
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23 (4), 761-780, 2021
Reducing the cost of humanitarian operations through disaster preparation and preparedness
KH Goldschmidt, S Kumar
Annals of Operations Research 283, 1139-1152, 2019
Scrotal tumors in dogs: A retrospective study of 676 cases (1986–2010)
MC Trappler, CA Popovitch, MH Goldschmidt, KH Goldschmidt, ...
The Canadian Veterinary Journal 55 (1), 1229, 2014
Systems, methods and apparatuses for the alleviation and outcome monitoring of sleep disordered breathing
AC Warren, KH Goldschmidt
US Patent 10,219,740, 2019
Discriminatory features of acute eosinophilic dermatitis with oedema (Wells‐like syndrome) and sterile neutrophilic dermatosis (Sweet's‐like syndrome) in dogs
CW Bradley, CL Cain, TS Wong, JD Ferracone, KH Goldschmidt, ...
Veterinary dermatology 30 (6), 517-e157, 2019
Sustainable procurement: integrating classroom learning with university sustainability programs
K Goldschmidt, T Harrison, M Holtry, J Reeh
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 11 (3), 279-294, 2013
Canine ischaemic dermatopathy: a retrospective study of 177 cases (2005–2016)
KA Backel, CW Bradley, CL Cain, DO Morris, KH Goldschmidt, ...
Veterinary dermatology 30 (5), 403-e122, 2019
Sterile granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenitis (juvenile cellulitis) in adult dogs: a retrospective analysis of 90 cases (2004–2018)
A Inga, GC Griffeth, KJ Drobatz, KH Goldschmidt, EA Mauldin
Veterinary dermatology 31 (3), 219-e47, 2020
Supply base diversification in the presence of high impact, low probability supply disruptions
K Goldschmidt, M Kremer, D Thomas, C Craighead
Working paper, 2014
Epithelial tumors
MH Goldschmidt, KH Goldschmidt
Tumors in Domestic Animals, 5th ed.(Meuten, DJ ed), Wiley, Ames, 99, 2016
Will aging voting machines cause more voters to experience long waits?
S Kumar, M Yang, KH Goldschmidt
International Journal of Production Economics 198, 1-10, 2018
Systems, methods and apparatuses for monitoring hypoxia events
AC Warren, KH Goldschmidt
US Patent App. 15/303,126, 2017
Epithelial and Melanocytic Tumors of the Skin in Tumors in domestic animals
DJ Meuten, MH In, KH Goldschmidt
Wiley Blackwell, 2017
Systems, methods and apparatuses for monitoring hypoxic events
AC Warren, KH Goldschmidt
US Patent App. 16/997,399, 2021
Creating An Immersive Business Simulation: The Virtual Reality (Vr) Coffee Shop
S Ketron, K Schatz, D Sullwold, A Sackett, K Goldschmidt
Marketing education review, 1-17, 2024
Personalized breath training system
AC Warren, KH Goldschmidt
US Patent App. 18/031,203, 2024
Sourcing decisions in the presence of high impact, low probability supply chain disruptions
K Goldschmidt
The Pennsylvania State University, 2014
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–19