Ghiyoung Im
Ghiyoung Im
Professor of Computer Information Systems, University of Louisville
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Knowledge sharing ambidexterity in long-term interorganizational relationships
G Im, A Rai
Management science 54 (7), 1281-1296, 2008
Interfirm IT capability profiles and communications for cocreating relational value: evidence from the logistics industry
A Rai, PA Pavlou, G Im, S Du
MIS quarterly, 233-262, 2012
Theoretical foundations of empirical research on interorganizational systems: assessing past contributions and guiding future directions
D Robey, G Im, JD Wareham
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 9 (9), 4, 2008
MACE-SCM: A multi-agent and case-based reasoning collaboration mechanism for supply chain management under supply and demand uncertainties
O Kwon, GP Im, KC Lee
Expert systems with applications 33 (3), 690-705, 2007
Reporting bad news on software projects: the effects of culturally constituted views of face‐saving
M Keil, GP Im, M Mähring
Information Systems Journal 17 (1), 59-87, 2007
A longitudinal study of information system threat categories: the enduring problem of human error
GP Im, RL Baskerville
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 36 (4 …, 2005
IT-enabled coordination for ambidextrous interorganizational relationships
G Im, A Rai
Information Systems Research 25 (1), 72-92, 2014
Overcoming the mum effect in IT project reporting: Impacts of fault responsibility and time urgency
CW Park, G Im, M Keil
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 9 (7), 1, 2008
Governance and resource‐sharing ambidexterity for generating relationship benefits in supply chain collaborations
G Im, A Rai, LS Lambert
Decision Sciences 50 (4), 656-693, 2019
An agent-based web service approach for supply chain collaboration
O Kwon, GP Im, KC Lee
Scientia Iranica 18 (6), 1545-1552, 2011
Effects of cognitive and social factors on system utilization and performance outcomes
G Im
Information & management 51 (1), 129-137, 2014
Sensegiving in organizations via the use of business analytics
M Namvar, A Intezari, G Im
Information Technology & People 34 (6), 1615-1638, 2021
How CIOs can align IT capabilities for supply chain relationships
A Rai, G Im, R Hornyak
Never, never together again: How postpurchase affect drives consumer outcomes within the context of online consumer support communities
EH Park, G Im, VC Storey, RL Baskerville
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 20 (1), 1, 2019
The critical role of external validity in advancing organizational theorizing
G Im, D Straub
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 37 (1), 44, 2015
MACE-SCM: An effective supply chain decision making approach based on multi-agent and case-based reasoning
O Kwon, G Im, KC Lee
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Exploratory and exploitative knowledge sharing in interorganizational relationships
G Im
Georgia State University, 2007
Data breaches in multihospital systems: antecedents and mitigation mechanisms
H Tanriverdi, J Kwon, G Im
Repurchase intentions of information technology: an emotion process perspective
EH Park, G Im, VC Storey
A TETRAD-based approach for theory development in information systems research
G Im, J Wang
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 20 (1), 22, 2007
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Articles 1–20