Ameeta Jaga
Cited by
Cited by
The relationship between work-family enrichment and work-family satisfaction outcomes
A Jaga, J Bagraim
South African Journal of Psychology 41 (1), 52-62, 2011
Doing the ‘gender dance’: Black women professionals negotiating gender, race, work and family in post-apartheid South Africa
A Jaga, B Arabandi, J Bagraim, S Mdlongwa
Community, Work & Family 21 (4), 429-444, 2018
Work-family enrichment and psychological health
A Jaga, J Bagraim, Z Williams
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 39 (2), 1-10, 2013
A southern encounter: Maternal body work and low‐income mothers in South Africa
B Stumbitz, A Jaga
Gender, Work & Organization 27 (6), 1485-1500, 2020
Something new from the South: Community, work, and family in South Africa
A Jaga
Community, Work & Family 23 (5), 506-515, 2020
Possibilities for change and new frontiers: Introduction to the work and family researchers network special issue on advancing equality at work and home
H Chung, A Jaga, S Lambert
Community, Work & Family 25 (1), 1-12, 2022
Experiences of workplace breastfeeding in a provincial government setting: a qualitative exploratory study among managers and mothers in South Africa
BP Mabaso, A Jaga, T Doherty
International Breastfeeding Journal 15, 1-11, 2020
Gendered share of housework and the COVID‐19 pandemic: Examining self‐ratings and speculation of others in Germany, India, Nigeria, and South Africa
IF Obioma, A Jaga, M Raina, WA Asekun, AS Hernandez Bark
Journal of Social Issues 79 (3), 907-934, 2023
The value of mixed methods work-family research for human resource management: a review and agenda
A Jaga, TC Guetterman
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 34 (2), 286-312, 2023
‘You can’t eat soap’: reimagining COVID-19, work, family and employment from the global south
A Jaga, A Ollier-Malaterre
Work, Employment and Society 36 (4), 769-780, 2022
Work-family conflict among Hindu mothers in South Africa
A Jaga, J Bagraim
International Journal of Manpower 38 (8), 1086-1101, 2017
Antecedents of work-family conflict among Hindu working women in South Africa: stressors, social support, and cultural values
A Jaga
The Right to Disconnect
X Pellerin, S., Ollier-Malaterre. A., Kossek, E.E., Afota, M., Cousineau, L ...
Stanford Social Innovation Review, 40-45, 2023
Family supportive supervision in context: supporting breastfeeding at work among teachers in South Africa
BP Mabaso, A Jaga, T Doherty
Community, Work & Family 26 (1), 118-135, 2023
Humane orientation, work–family conflict, and positive spillover across cultures.
B Beham, A Ollier-Malaterre, TD Allen, A Baierl, M Alexandrova, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2023
Developing an African research network and research agenda on work–family interface
Z Mokomane, S Van der Merwe, M Seedat Khan, A Jaga, L Dancaster
Community, Work & Family 20 (3), 366-376, 2017
The nature and outcomes of work-family enrichment
A Jaga
" I found my people": Academic development, transformation and the next generation professoriate at UCT
R Morrell, Z Patel, A Jaga
South African Journal of Higher Education 36 (6), 11-27, 2022
Boundary management preferences from a gender and cross-cultural perspective
T Allen, B Beham, A Ollier-Malaterre, A Baierl, M Alexandrova, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 148, 103943, 2024
Work-family justice–meanings and possibilities: introduction to the work and family researchers network special issue
MA Milkie, H Chung, A Jaga
Community, Work & Family 26 (5), 525-542, 2023
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Articles 1–20