Dr. Hayat Ullah
Cited by
Cited by
Improving water use efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency, and radiation use efficiency in field crops under drought stress: A review
AD Hayat Ullah, Raquel Santiago-Arenas, Zannatul Ferdous, Ahmed Attia
Advances in Agronomy 156, 2019
Effects of silicon-based fertilizer on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of rice in tropical zone of Vietnam
TX Cuong, H Ullah, A Datta, TC Hanh
Rice Science 24 (5), 283-290, 2017
Water management in rice
A Datta, H Ullah, Z Ferdous
Rice production worldwide, 255-277, 2017
Effect of water and rice straw management practices on yield and water productivity of irrigated lowland rice in the Central Plain of Thailand
RPS Sumana Maneepitak, Hayat Ullah, Kritkamol Paothong, Boonlue Kachenchart ...
Agricultural Water Management 211, 89-97, 2019
Foliar application and seed priming of salicylic acid affect growth, fruit yield, and quality of grape tomato under drought stress
R Chakma, A Biswas, P Saekong, H Ullah, A Datta
Scientia Horticulturae 280, 109904, 2021
Managing weeds using crop competition in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]
A Datta, H Ullah, N Tursun, T Pornprom, SZ Knezevic, BS Chauhan
Crop protection 95, 60-68, 2017
Growth, yield and silicon uptake of rice (Oryza sativa) as influenced by dose and timing of silicon application under water-deficit stress
AGAD Hayat Ullah, Phung Duc Luc
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Sciences, 2017
Identifying drought-tolerant genotypes of faba bean and their agro-physiological responses to different water regimes in an arid Mediterranean environment
E Mansour, ESM Desoky, MMA Ali, MI Abdul-Hamid, H Ullah, A Attia, ...
Agricultural Water Management 247, 106754, 2021
Effects of water and rice straw management practices on water savings and greenhouse gas emissions from a double-rice paddy field in the Central Plain of Thailand
S Maneepitak, H Ullah, A Datta, RP Shrestha, S Shrestha, B Kachenchart
European Journal of Agronomy 107, 18-29, 2019
Effects of silicon on growth, yield and fruit quality of cantaloupe under drought stress
A Alam, B Hariyanto, H Ullah, KR Salin, A Datta
Silicon 13, 3153-3162, 2021
Sensitivity of the DSSAT model in simulating maize yield and soil carbon dynamics in arid Mediterranean climate: Effect of soil, genotype and crop management
A Attia, S El-Hendawy, N Al-Suhaibani, MU Tahir, M Mubushar, ...
Field crops research 260, 107981, 2021
Interactive effects of silicon and soil pH on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of maize
N Sirisuntornlak, H Ullah, W Sonjaroon, S Anusontpornperm, W Arirob, ...
Silicon 13 (2), 289-299, 2021
Growth, fruit yield, quality, and water productivity of grape tomato as affected by seed priming and soil application of silicon under drought stress
R Chakma, P Saekong, A Biswas, H Ullah, A Datta
Agricultural Water Management 256, 107055, 2021
Growth, yield and water productivity of selected lowland Thai rice varieties under different cultivation methods and alternate wetting and drying irrigation
H Ullah, A Mohammadi, A Datta
Annals of Applied Biology, 2018
The effects of cultivation methods and water regimes on root systems of drought-tolerant (RD6) and drought-sensitive (RD10) rice varieties of Thailand
H Ullah, A Datta, S Shrestha, S Ud Din
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 63 (9), 1198-1209, 2017
Impact of long-term agricultural management practices on soil organic carbon and soil fertility of paddy fields in Northeastern Thailand
K Oechaiyaphum, H Ullah, RP Shrestha, A Datta
Geoderma regional 22, e00307, 2020
Effects of salinity stress on growth, mineral nutrient accumulation and biochemical parameters of seedlings of three citrus rootstocks
A Alam, H Ullah, A Attia, A Datta
International Journal of Fruit Science 20 (4), 786-804, 2020
Yield and profitability of tomato as influenced by integrated application of synthetic fertilizer and biogas slurry
Z Ferdous, H Ullah, A Datta, M Anwar, A Ali
International Journal of Vegetable Science 24 (5), 445-455, 2018
Effect of seed priming with potassium nitrate on growth, fruit yield, quality and water productivity of cantaloupe under water-deficit stress
A Alam, H Ullah, S Cha-um, R Tisarum, A Datta
Scientia Horticulturae 288, 110354, 2021
Application of Biogas Slurry in Combination with Chemical Fertilizer Enhances Grain Yield and Profitability of Maize (Zea Mays L.)
Z Ferdous, H Ullah, A Datta, A Attia, A Rakshit, SH Molla
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 51 (19), 2501-2510, 2020
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Articles 1–20