Mohsen Kahani
Cited by
Cited by
HealthFog: An ensemble deep learning based Smart Healthcare System for Automatic Diagnosis of Heart Diseases in integrated IoT and fog computing environments
S Tuli, N Basumatary, SS Gill, M Kahani, RC Arya, GS Wander, R Buyya
Future Generation Computer Systems 104, 187-200, 2020
A new approach to intrusion detection based on an evolutionary soft computing model using neuro-fuzzy classifiers
AN Toosi, M Kahani
Computer communications 30 (10), 2201-2212, 2007
Customizing ISO 9126 quality model for evaluation of B2B applications
B Behkamal, M Kahani, MK Akbari
Information and software technology 51 (3), 599-609, 2009
A novel scalable intrusion detection system based on deep learning
SN Mighan, M Kahani
International Journal of Information Security 20 (3), 387-403, 2021
Decentralised approaches for network management
M Kahani, HWP Beadle
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 27 (3), 36-47, 1997
Mining user interests over active topics on social networks
F Zarrinkalam, M Kahani, E Bagheri
Information Processing & Management 54 (2), 339-357, 2018
A metrics-driven approach for quality assessment of linked open data
B Behkamal, M Kahani, E Bagheri, Z Jeremic
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 9 (2), 64-79, 2014
Ontology-based distributed intrusion detection system
F Abdoli, M Kahani
2009 14th International CSI Computer Conference, 65-70, 2009
SemCiR: A citation recommendation system based on a novel semantic distance measure
F Zarrinkalam, M Kahani
Program 47 (1), 92-112, 2013
The impact of sentiment features on the sentiment polarity classification in Persian reviews
E Asgarian, M Kahani, S Sharifi
Cognitive Computation 10, 117-135, 2018
Semantics-enabled user interest detection from twitter
F Zarrinkalam, H Fani, E Bagheri, M Kahani, W Du
2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2015
Fuzzy Expert System In Determining Hadith1 Validity
M Ghazizadeh, MH Zahedi, M Kahani, BM Bidgoli
advances in computer and information sciences and engineering, 354-359, 2008
A multi-criteria hybrid citation recommendation system based on linked data
F Zarrinkalam, M Kahani
2012 2nd International eConference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering …, 2012
Deep learning based latent feature extraction for intrusion detection
SN Mighan, M Kahani
Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on, 1511-1516, 2018
Network intrusion detection based on neuro-fuzzy classification
AN Toosi, M Kahani, R Monsefi
2006 International Conference on Computing & Informatics, 1-5, 2006
Inferring implicit topical interests on twitter
F Zarrinkalam, H Fani, E Bagheri, M Kahani
Advances in Information Retrieval: 38th European Conference on IR Research …, 2016
Attention mechanism in predictive business process monitoring
A Jalayer, M Kahani, A Beheshti, A Pourmasoumi, HR Motahari-Nezhad
2020 IEEE 24th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2020
Incremental hybrid intrusion detection using ensemble of weak classifiers
A Rasoulifard, A Ghaemi Bafghi, M Kahani
Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: 13th International CSI …, 2009
A novel soft computing model using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for intrusion detection
AN Toosi, M Kahani
2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 834-839, 2007
A clustering-based approach for personalized privacy preserving publication of moving object trajectory data
S Mahdavifar, M Abadi, M Kahani, H Mahdikhani
Network and System Security: 6th International Conference, NSS 2012 …, 2012
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Articles 1–20