Neville Millar
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Cited by
Global metaanalysis of the nonlinear response of soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions to fertilizer nitrogen
I Shcherbak, N Millar, GP Robertson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (25), 9199-9204, 2014
Nonlinear nitrous oxide (N2O) response to nitrogen fertilizer in on‐farm corn crops of the US Midwest
JP Hoben, RJ Gehl, N Millar, PR Grace, GP Robertson
Global Change Biology 17 (2), 1140-1152, 2011
Management to mitigate and adapt to climate change
R Lal, JA Delgado, PM Groffman, N Millar, C Dell, A Rotz
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66 (4), 276-285, 2011
Nitrogen fertilizer management for nitrous oxide (N2O) mitigation in intensive corn (Maize) production: an emissions reduction protocol for US Midwest agriculture
N Millar, GP Robertson, PR Grace, RJ Gehl, JP Hoben
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 15, 185-204, 2010
The tolerance of Empetrum nigrum to copper and nickel
S Monni, M Salemaa, N Millar
Environmental pollution 109 (2), 221-229, 2000
Chemical composition, or quality, of agroforestry residues influences N2O emissions after their addition to soil
N Millar, EM Baggs
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (6), 935-943, 2004
Nitrous oxide emissions following incorporation of improved‐fallow residues in the humid tropics
N Millar, JK Ndufa, G Cadisch, EM Baggs
Global biogeochemical cycles 18 (1), 2004
An evaluation of carbon indicators of soil health in long-term agricultural experiments
D Liptzin, CE Norris, SB Cappellazzi, G Mac Bean, M Cope, KLH Greub, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 172, 108708, 2022
Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of agricultural land management in the United States: A synthesis of the literature
AJ Eagle, LR Henry, LP Olander, K Haugen-Kozyra, N Millar, ...
Report NIR, 2012
Nitrous oxide (N2O) flux responds exponentially to nitrogen fertilizer in irrigated wheat in the Yaqui Valley, Mexico
N Millar, A Urrea, K Kahmark, I Shcherbak, GP Robertson, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 261, 125-132, 2018
Evaluating strategies for sustainable intensification of US agriculture through the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network
S Spiegal, BT Bestelmeyer, DW Archer, DJ Augustine, EH Boughton, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (3), 034031, 2018
Sequestration and turnover of bacterial‐ and fungal‐derived carbon in a temperate grassland soil under long‐term elevated atmospheric pCO2
B Glaser, N Millar, H Blum
Global Change Biology 12 (8), 1521-1531, 2006
The contribution of maize cropping in the Midwest USA to global warming: A regional estimate
PR Grace, GP Robertson, N Millar, M Colunga-Garcia, B Basso, SH Gage, ...
Agricultural Systems 104 (3), 292-296, 2011
Nitrous oxide emissions during establishment of eight alternative cellulosic bioenergy cropping systems in the North Central United States
LG Oates, DS Duncan, I Gelfand, N Millar, GP Robertson, RD Jackson
Gcb Bioenergy 8 (3), 539-549, 2016
Long‐term nitrous oxide fluxes in annual and perennial agricultural and unmanaged ecosystems in the upper Midwest USA
I Gelfand, I Shcherbak, N Millar, AN Kravchenko, GP Robertson
Global Change Biology 22 (11), 3594-3607, 2016
Relationships between N2O emissions and water-soluble C and N contents of agroforestry residues after their addition to soil
N Millar, EM Baggs
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37 (3), 605-608, 2005
Evaluation of aggregate stability methods for soil health
EL Rieke, DK Bagnall, CLS Morgan, KD Flynn, JA Howe, KLH Greub, ...
Geoderma 428, 116156, 2022
The greenhouse gas cost of agricultural intensification with groundwater irrigation in a Midwest US row cropping system
BM McGill, SK Hamilton, N Millar, GP Robertson
Global change biology 24 (12), 5948-5960, 2018
Carbon‐sensitive pedotransfer functions for plant available water
DK Bagnall, CLS Morgan, M Cope, GM Bean, S Cappellazzi, K Greub, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 86 (3), 612-629, 2022
N-related greenhouse gases in North America: innovations for a sustainable future
EA Davidson, JN Galloway, N Millar, AM Leach
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 9, 1-8, 2014
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Articles 1–20