Oliver Ray
Cited by
Cited by
Nonmonotonic abductive inductive learning
O Ray
Journal of Applied Logic 7 (3), 329-340, 2009
SOLAR: An automated deduction system for consequence finding
H Nabeshima, K Iwanuma, K Inoue, O Ray
AI communications 23 (2-3), 183-203, 2010
Hybrid abductive inductive learning: A generalisation of progol
O Ray, K Broda, A Russo
Inductive Logic Programming: 13th International Conference, ILP 2003, Szeged …, 2003
ProLogICA: a practical system for Abductive Logic Programming
O Ray, A Kakas
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Non-monotonic Reasoning …, 2006
Abductive reasoning in neural-symbolic systems
ASA Garcez, DM Gabbay, O Ray, J Woods
Topoi 26, 37-49, 2007
Computer-aided whole-cell design: taking a holistic approach by integrating synthetic with systems biology
L Marucci, M Barberis, J Karr, O Ray, PR Race, M de Souza Andrade, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 942, 2020
Hybrid abductive inductive learning
O Ray
University of London, 2005
Learning rules from user behaviour
D Corapi, O Ray, A Russo, A Bandara, E Lupu
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations III 5, 459-468, 2009
Extracting requirements from scenarios with ILP
D Alrajeh, O Ray, A Russo, S Uchitel
Inductive Logic Programming: 16th International Conference, ILP 2006 …, 2007
Logic-based steady-state analysis and revision of metabolic networks with inhibition
O Ray, K Whelan, R King
2010 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive …, 2010
Using abduction and induction for operational requirements elaboration
D Alrajeh, O Ray, A Russo, S Uchitel
Journal of Applied Logic 7 (3), 275-288, 2009
Analyzing pathways using ASP-based approaches
O Ray, T Soh, K Inoue
Algebraic and Numeric Biology: 4th International Conference, ANB 2010 …, 2012
Automated abduction in scientific discovery
O Ray
Model-Based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and Medicine, 103-116, 2007
A hybrid abductive inductive proof procedure
O Ray, K Broda, A Russo
Logic Journal of the IGPL 12 (5), 371-397, 2004
A nonmonotonic logical approach for modelling and revising metabolic networks
O Ray, K Whelan, R King
2009 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive …, 2009
Using abduction for induction of normal logic programs
O Ray
Proc. of 2nd Workshop on AIAI and Scientific Modelling, 28-31, 2006
Mode-directed inverse entailment for full clausal theories
O Ray, K Inoue
International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, 225-238, 2007
Nonmonotonic learning in large biological networks
S Bragaglia, O Ray
Inductive Logic Programming: 24th International Conference, ILP 2014, Nancy …, 2015
A consequence finding approach for full clausal abduction
O Ray, K Inoue
International Conference on Discovery Science, 173-184, 2007
Automatic revision of metabolic networks through logical analysis of experimental data
O Ray, K Whelan, R King
Inductive Logic Programming: 19th International Conference, ILP 2009, Leuven …, 2010
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Articles 1–20