Luiz Fernando Loureiro Fernandes
Luiz Fernando Loureiro Fernandes
Professor do Departamento de Oceanografia e Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
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BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene
M Dornelas, LH Antao, F Moyes, AE Bates, AE Magurran, D Adam, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (7), 760-786, 2018
Zooplankton community of the Vitória Bay estuarine system (Southeastern Brazil): characterization during a three-year study
JM Sterza, LL Fernandes
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 54, 95-105, 2006
Bioecology of the uçá-crab, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), in Vitória Bay, Espírito Santo State, Brazil
P Goes, JO Branco, MAA Pinheiro, E Barbieri, D Costa, LL Fernandes
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 58, 153-163, 2010
Marine zooplankton dynamics after a major mining dam rupture in the Doce River, southeastern Brazil: Rapid response to a changing environment
LFL Fernandes, TRM Paiva, CM Longhini, JB Pereira, RD Ghisolfi, ...
Science of the Total Environment 736, 139621, 2020
Larval development of Uca thayeri Rathbun, 1900 (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) reared in the laboratory
K Anger, M Montú, C Bakker, LL Loureiro Fernandes
Meeresforschung 32, 276-294, 1990
Spatial and temporal changes in biomass, production and assemblage structure of mesozooplanktonic copepods in the tropical south-west Atlantic Ocean
CO Dias, AV Araujo, SC Vianna, LFL Fernandes, R Paranhos, MS Suzuki, ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 95 (3 …, 2015
Larval Development of the Brazilian Mud Crab Panopeus Austrobesus Williams, 1983 (Decapoda: Xanthidae) Reared in the Laboratory
M Montú, K Anger, C de Bakker, V Anger, L Loureiro Fernandes
Journal of Crustacean Biology 8 (4), 594-613, 1988
Horizontal and vertical distribution of mesozooplankton species richness and composition down to 2,300 m in the southwest Atlantic Ocean
SLC Bonecker, AV Araujo, PF Carvalho, CO Dias, LFL Fernandes, ...
Zoologia (Curitiba) 31, 445-462, 2014
Acute toxicity of copper and cadmium for piauçu, Leporinus macrocephalus, and curimatã, Prochilodus vimboides
LC Gomes, AR Chippari-Gomes, RN Oss, LFL Fernandes, ...
Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences 31 (3), 313-315, 2009
Temporal and spatial variation of rocky shores intertidal benthic communities in Southeast Brazil
GC Zamprogno, FC Fernandes, LL Fernandes
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 102, 375-383, 2012
Spatial variability in the population of Isognomon bicolor (CB Adams, 1845)(Mollusca, Bivalvia) on rocky shores in Espírito Santo, Brazil
GC Zamprogno, LL Fernandes, FC Fernandes
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 58, 23-29, 2010
Distribution and abundance of Cladocera (Branchiopoda) in the Paraíba do Sul river estuary, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
JM Sterza, LL Fernandes
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 54, 193-204, 2006
Avaliação da contaminação por metais pesados em caranguejos e sedimentos de áreas de manguezal do sistema estuarino de Vitória-ES
HC Jesus, LFL Fernandes, E Zandonade, EE Anjos Jr, RF Gonçalves, ...
Relatório Técnico-Projeto Facitec/PMV-ES, contrato, 40, 2001
An integrated study of the plankton community after four years of Fundão dam disaster
ACT Bonecker, BS Menezes, CD Junior, CA da Silva, CM Ancona, ...
Science of The Total Environment 806, 150613, 2022
Monitoramento da Influência da Pluma do Rio Doce após o rompimento da Barragem de Rejeitos em Mariana/MG–Novembro de 2015: Processamento, Interpretação e Consolidação de Dados
AC Bastos, KSS Oliveria, LF Fernandes, JB Pereira, LE Demoner, ...
Relatório de Pesquisa. Departamento de Oceanografia, Centro de Ciências …, 2017
Larval development of Hexapanopeus schmitti Rathbun, 1930 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Xanthidae) reared in the laboratory
C de Bakker, M Montú, K Anger, LL Loureiro-Fernandes
Neritica, Pontal do Sul, Paraná, Brasil 4, 137-164, 1989
Acute copper toxicity in juvenile fat snook Centropomus parallelus (Teleostei: Centropomidae) in sea water
BL Oliveira, LFL Fernandes, A Bianchini, AR Chippari-Gomes, BF Silva, ...
Neotropical Ichthyology 12 (4), 845-852, 2014
Comparison between the shrimp species richness (Caridea and Dendrobranchiata, Decapoda, Crustacea) of the south and north mid Atlantic ridge
IA Cardoso, T Falkenhaug, LFL Fernandes
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 62, 47-56, 2014
Crescimento e produtividade de juvenis de robalo-peva a diferentes temperaturas e taxas de alimentação
LAAG Oliveira, AM Almeida, PSV Pandolfo, RM Souza, LFL Fernandes, ...
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 48, 857-862, 2013
Diversity and distribution of assemblages of estuarine decapod larvae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura, Brachyura) in tropical southeastern Brazil
RA Magris, LF Loureiro-Fernandes
Zootaxa 2758 (1), 26-42, 2011
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Articles 1–20