Dealing with risk: a practical approach FJ Heemstra, RJ Kusters Journal of Information Technology 11 (4), 333-346, 1996 | 140 | 1996 |
Definitions, characteristics and measures of IT project complexity-a systematic literature review S Morcov, L Pintelon, RJ Kusters International journal of information systems and project management 8 (2), 5-21, 2020 | 90 | 2020 |
Function point analysis: Evaluation of a software cost estimation model FJ Heemstra, RJ Kusters European Journal of Information Systems 1 (4), 229-237, 1991 | 89 | 1991 |
Modelling resource availability in general hospitals design and implementation of a decision support model RJ Kusters, PMA Groot European journal of operational research 88 (3), 428-445, 1996 | 82 | 1996 |
From process improvement to people improvement: enabling learning in software development R van Solingen, E Berghout, R Kusters, J Trienekens Information and Software Technology 42 (14), 965-971, 2000 | 70 | 2000 |
Exploring defect causes in products developed by virtual teams J Jacobs, J Van Moll, P Krause, R Kusters, J Trienekens, A Brombacher Information and Software Technology 47 (6), 399-410, 2005 | 68 | 2005 |
Towards decision support for waiting lists: an operations management view JMH Vissers, JD Van Der Bij, RJ Kusters Health Care Management Science 4, 133-142, 2001 | 67 | 2001 |
Information governance requirements in dynamic business networking MR Rasouli, JJM Trienekens, RJ Kusters, PWPJ Grefen Industrial Management & Data Systems 116 (7), 1356-1379, 2016 | 57 | 2016 |
Are software cost-estimation models accurate? RJ Kusters, M van Genuchten, FJ Heemstra Information and software technology 32 (3), 187-190, 1990 | 54 | 1990 |
Assessing the efficacy of an educational smartphone or tablet app with subdivided and interactive content to increase patients’ medical knowledge: randomized controlled trial T Timmers, L Janssen, Y Pronk, BC van der Zwaard, S Koëter, ... JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (12), e10742, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
Classification of human-and automated resource allocation approaches in multi-project management A Ponsteen, RJ Kusters Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 194, 165-173, 2015 | 53 | 2015 |
Process mining support for Capability Maturity Model Integration‐based software process assessment, in principle and in practice J Samalikova, RJ Kusters, JJM Trienekens, A Weijters Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 26 (7), 714-728, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Identification of factors that influence defect injection and detection in development of software intensive products J Jacobs, J Van Moll, R Kusters, J Trienekens, A Brombacher Information and Software Technology 49 (7), 774-789, 2007 | 49 | 2007 |
The W-Process for software product evaluation: a method for goal-oriented implementation of the ISO 14598 standard T Punter, R Kusters, J Trienekens, T Bemelmans, A Brombacher Software Quality Journal 12, 137-158, 2004 | 48 | 2004 |
Enhanced digital transformation supporting capabilities through enterprise architecture management: A fsQCA perspective M Pattij, R van de Wetering, R Kusters Digital Business 2 (2), 100036, 2022 | 44 | 2022 |
Mass customization of education by an institution of HE: What can we learn from industry? R Schuwer, R Kusters The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 15 (2), 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Customer knowledge transfer challenges in a co-creation value network: Toward a reference model S Bagheri, RJ Kusters, JJM Trienekens International Journal of Information Management 47, 198-214, 2019 | 43 | 2019 |
When agile meets waterfall-investigating risks and problems on the interface between agile and traditional software development in a hybrid development organization RJ Kusters, Y van de Leur, WGMM Rutten, JJM Trienekens International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 271-278, 2017 | 40 | 2017 |
Quality through managed improvement and measurement (QMIM): Towards a phased development and implementation of a quality management system for a software company K Balla, T Bemelmans, R Kusters, J Trienekens Software Quality Journal 9, 177-193, 2001 | 39 | 2001 |
Data Governance and Information Governance: Set of Definitions in Relation to Data and Information as Part of DIKW. J Merkus, R Helms, RJ Kusters ICEIS (2), 143-154, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |