Michael Delli Carpini
Cited by
Cited by
What Americans know about politics and why it matters
MXD Carpini, S Keeter
Yale University Press, 1996
Public deliberation, discursive participation, and citizen engagement: A review of the empirical literature
MXD Carpini, FL Cook, LR Jacobs
Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 7 (1), 315-344, 2004
A new engagement?: Political participation, civic life, and the changing American citizen
C Zukin, S Keeter, M Andolina, K Jenkins, MXD Carpini
Oxford University Press, 2006
Gen. com: Youth, civic engagement, and the new information environment
MX Delli Carpini
Political communication 17 (4), 341-349, 2000
Measuring political knowledge: Putting first things first
MXD Carpini, S Keeter
American Journal of Political Science, 1179-1206, 1993
Talking together: Public deliberation and political participation in America
LR Jacobs, FL Cook, MXD Carpini
University of Chicago Press, 2009
After broadcast news: Media regimes, democracy, and the new information environment
BA Williams, MXD Carpini
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Let us infotain you: Politics in the new media age
MX Delli Carpini, BA Williams
Mediated politics: Communication in the future of democracy, 160-181, 2001
Mediating democratic engagement: The impact of communications on citizens’ involvement in political and civic life
MXD Carpini
Handbook of political communication research, 357-394, 2004
Online versus face-to-face deliberation: Who? Why? What? With what effects?
YM Baek, M Wojcieszak, MX Delli Carpini
New media & society 14 (3), 363-383, 2012
Monica and Bill all the time and everywhere: The collapse of gatekeeping and agenda setting in the new media environment
BA Williams, MX Delli Carpini
American Behavioral Scientist 47 (9), 1208-1230, 2004
Unchained reaction: The collapse of media gatekeeping and the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal
BA Williams, MX Delli Carpini
Journalism 1 (1), 61-85, 2000
In search of the informed citizen: What Americans know about politics and why it matters
MX Delli Carpini
The Communication Review 4 (1), 129-164, 2000
Effects of the news media environment on citizen knowledge of state politics and government
MXD Carpini, S Keeter, JD Kennamer
Journalism Quarterly 71 (2), 443-456, 1994
Gender and political knowledge
MX Delli Carpini, S Keeter
Gender and American politics: Women, men, and the political process, 21-52, 2000
Age and history: Generations and sociopolitical change
MXD Carpini
Age, 1989
The Internet and an informed citizenry
MXD Carpini, S Keeter
The civic web: Online politics and democratic values, 129-153, 2003
Methods, metaphors, and media research: The uses of television in political conversation
MXD Carpini, BA Williams
Communication Research 21 (6), 782-812, 1994
Stability and change in American politics: The coming of age of the generation of the 1960s
MX Delli Carpini
(No Title), 1986
The year of the woman? Candidates, voters, and the 1992 elections
MXD Carpini, ER Fuchs
Political Science Quarterly, 29-36, 1993
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Articles 1–20