Felicity Jones
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Cited by
The genomic basis of adaptive evolution in threespine sticklebacks
FC Jones, MG Grabherr, YF Chan, P Russell, E Mauceli, J Johnson, ...
Nature 484 (7392), 55-61, 2012
Adaptive Evolution of Pelvic Reduction in Sticklebacks by Recurrent Deletion of a Pitx1 Enhancer
YF Chan, ME Marks, FC Jones, G Villarreal Jr, MD Shapiro, SD Brady, ...
science 327 (5963), 302-305, 2010
Genomics and the origin of species
O Seehausen, RK Butlin, I Keller, CE Wagner, JW Boughman, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 15 (3), 176-192, 2014
In situ examination of boldness–shyness traits in the tropical poeciliid, Brachyraphis episcopi
C Brown, F Jones, V Braithwaite
Animal Behaviour 70 (5), 1003-1009, 2005
A role for a neo-sex chromosome in stickleback speciation
J Kitano, JA Ross, S Mori, M Kume, FC Jones, YF Chan, DM Absher, ...
Nature 461 (7267), 1079-1083, 2009
Genetics of ecological divergence during speciation
ME Arnegard, MD McGee, B Matthews, KB Marchinko, GL Conte, S Kabir, ...
Nature 511 (7509), 307-311, 2014
A genome-wide SNP genotyping array reveals patterns of global and repeated species-pair divergence in sticklebacks
FC Jones, YF Chan, J Schmutz, J Grimwood, SD Brady, AM Southwick, ...
Current biology 22 (1), 83-90, 2012
Correlation between boldness and body mass in natural populations of the poeciliid Brachyrhaphis episcopi
C Brown, F Jones, VA Braithwaite
Journal of Fish Biology 71 (6), 1590-1601, 2007
Evolving new skeletal traits by cis-regulatory changes in bone morphogenetic proteins
VB Indjeian, GA Kingman, FC Jones, CA Guenther, J Grimwood, ...
Cell 164 (1), 45-56, 2016
Population genomics of parallel phenotypic evolution in stickleback across stream–lake ecological transitions
BE Deagle, FC Jones, YF Chan, DM Absher, DM Kingsley, TE Reimchen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1732), 1277-1286, 2012
A recurrent regulatory change underlying altered expression and Wnt response of the stickleback armor plates gene EDA
NM O'brown, BR Summers, FC Jones, SD Brady, DM Kingsley
elife 4, e05290, 2015
Reproductive isolation in a threespine stickleback hybrid zone
FC Jones, C Brown, JM Pemberton, VA Braithwaite
Journal of evolutionary biology 19 (5), 1531-1544, 2006
Patterns of colonization in a metapopulation of grey seals
OE Gaggiotti, F Jones, WM Lee, W Amos, J Harwood, RA Nichols
Nature 416 (6879), 424-427, 2002
Experimental evidence for rapid genomic adaptation to a new niche in an adaptive radiation
DA Marques, FC Jones, F Di Palma, DM Kingsley, TE Reimchen
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (7), 1128-1138, 2018
Predominance of cis-regulatory changes in parallel expression divergence of sticklebacks
JP Verta, FC Jones
Elife 8, e43785, 2019
Extent of QTL reuse during repeated phenotypic divergence of sympatric threespine stickleback
GL Conte, ME Arnegard, J Best, YF Chan, FC Jones, DM Kingsley, ...
Genetics 201 (3), 1189-1200, 2015
Advances in E cological S peciation: an integrative approach
R Faria, S Renaut, J Galindo, C Pinho, J Melo‐Ferreira, M Melo, F Jones, ...
Molecular ecology 23 (3), 513-521, 2014
Predicting future from past: The genomic basis of recurrent and rapid stickleback evolution
GA Roberts Kingman, DN Vyas, FC Jones, SD Brady, HI Chen, K Reid, ...
Science Advances 7 (25), eabg5285, 2021
The genetic basis of divergent pigment patterns in juvenile threespine sticklebacks
AK Greenwood, FC Jones, YF Chan, SD Brady, DM Absher, J Grimwood, ...
Heredity 107 (2), 155-166, 2011
Parallel selection mapping using artificially selected mice reveals body weight control loci
YF Chan, FC Jones, E McConnell, J Bryk, L Bünger, D Tautz
Current Biology 22 (9), 794-800, 2012
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Articles 1–20