Weihua Ho
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Cited by
A novel method for removal of Cr (VI) using polypyrrole magnetic nanocomposite in the presence of unsteady magnetic fields
UO Aigbe, R Das, WH Ho, V Srinivasu, A Maity
Separation and Purification Technology 194, 377-387, 2018
Computational study of a pitching bio-inspired corrugated airfoil
TJ Flint, MC Jermy, TH New, WH Ho
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 65, 328-341, 2017
Evaluation of a desktop 3D printed rigid refractive-indexed-matched flow phantom for PIV measurements on cerebral aneurysms
WH Ho, IJ Tshimanga, MN Ngoepe, MC Jermy, PH Geoghegan
Cardiovascular engineering and technology 11, 14-23, 2020
Location of the vortex formation threshold at suction inlets near ground planes by computational fluid dynamics simulation
M Jermy, WH Ho
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2008
Removal of hexavalent chromium from wastewater using PPy/Fe3O4 magnetic nanocomposite influenced by rotating magnetic field from two pole three-phase …
UO Aigbe, WH Ho, A Maity, M Khenfouch, V Srinivasu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 984, 012008, 2018
Congo red dye removal under the influence of rotating magnetic field by polypyrrole magnetic nanocomposite
UO Aigbe, M Khenfouch, WH Ho, A Maity, VS Vallabhapurapu, ...
Desalination and Water Treatment 131, 328-342, 2018
Unsteady numerical investigation of two different corrugated airfoils
WH Ho, TH New
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2017
Validated CFD simulations of vortex formation in jet engine test cells
WH Ho, M Jermy
School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2007
Design of a Fischer-Tropsch multi-tube reactor fitted in a container: A novel design approach for small scale applications
J Shen, WH Ho, Y Zhang, X Liu, Y Yao, D Hildebrandt, HH Abd El-Gawad, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 362, 132477, 2022
Non-uniform suction control of flow around a circular cylinder
J Ramsay, M Sellier, WH Ho
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 82, 108559, 2020
Experimental and simulation study of the temperature distribution in a bench‐scale fixed bed Fischer–Tropsch reactor
J Shen, YC Li, WH Ho, X Liu, D Hildebrandt
AIChE Journal 67 (5), e17145, 2021
Stereoscopic PIV measurement of airflow in human speech during pronunciation of fricatives
PH Geoghegan, C Spence, WH Ho, X Lu, M Jermy, P Hunter, J Cater
16th International Symposium of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon …, 2012
Formation of Sink Vortices in a Jet Engine Test Cell.
HOW Hua, M Jermy, H Dumbleton
Engineering Letters 16 (3), 2008
A computational fluid dynamics investigation of endothelial cell damage from glaucoma drainage devices
N Basson, CHS Peng, P Geoghegan, T van der Lecq, D Steven, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 3777, 2024
Thrombin–Fibrinogen In Vitro Flow Model of Thrombus Growth in Cerebral Aneurysms
MN Ngoepe, E Pretorius, IJ Tshimanga, Z Shaikh, Y Ventikos, WH Ho
TH Open 5 (02), e155-e162, 2021
Effect of upstream velocity gradient on the formation of sink vortices in a jet engine test cell
WH Ho, H Dumbleton, MC Jermy
Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer …, 2008
Tubular reactor internals for suppressing hot spot formation applied to the Fischer-Tropsch reaction
J Shen, WH Ho, X Liu, D Hildebrandt
Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 161, 108309, 2021
Eliminating boundary layer separation on a cylinder with nonuniform suction
J Ramsay, M Sellier, WH Ho
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2020 (1), 9137369, 2020
Effect of pulsatility on the transport of thrombin in an idealized cerebral aneurysm geometry
S Hume, JMI Tshimanga, P Geoghegan, AG Malan, WH Ho, MN Ngoepe
Symmetry 14 (1), 133, 2022
Unsteady CFD analysis of an oscillating Aerofoil inspired by dragonfly wings
WH Ho, TH New, E Matare
Proceedings of Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 150166, 2017
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Articles 1–20