Tomasz Łukaszewski
Tomasz Łukaszewski
Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Informatyki
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The role of semantics in mining frequent patterns from knowledge bases in description logics with rules
J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz, T Łukaszewski
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 10 (3), 251-289, 2010
Faster frequent pattern mining from the semantic web
J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz, T Łukaszewski
Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining: Proceedings of the …, 2006
On reducing redundancy in mining relational association rules from the semantic web
J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz, T Łukaszewski
Web Reasoning and Rule Systems: Second International Conference, RR 2008 …, 2008
Towards discovery of frequent patterns in description logics with rules
J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz, T Łukaszewski
International Workshop on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic …, 2005
Frequent pattern discovery from owl dlp knowledge bases
J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz, T Łukaszewski
Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks: 15th International Conference …, 2006
Attribute Value Ontology-Using Semantics in Data Mining.
T Lukaszewski, J Józefowska, A Lawrynowicz
ICEIS (2), 329-334, 2012
Handling the description noise using an attribute value ontology
T Łukaszewski, J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz, Ł Józefowski
Control and Cybernetics 40 (2), 275-292, 2011
A study of the SEMINTEC approach to frequent pattern mining
J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz, T Łukaszewski
Knowledge Discovery Enhanced with Semantic and Social Information, 37-51, 2009
Updating the evidence in the Dempster-Shafer theory
T Lukaszewski
Informatica 10 (1), 127-141, 1999
Classification with test costs and background knowledge
T Łukaszewski, S Wilk
Knowledge-Based Systems 92, 35-42, 2016
Inteligentne systemy sterowania w inżynierii środowiska wykorzystujące podejście predykcyjne
T Łukaszewski, M Nowak
Zaopatrzenie w wodę, jakość i ochrona wód, 1123-1131, 2014
Controlling the prediction accuracy by adjusting the abstraction levels
T Łukaszewski, J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz, Ł Józefowski, A Lisiecki
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 6th International Conference, HAIS …, 2011
An evolutionary algorithm for Bayesian network triangulation
T Łukaszewski
Operations Research Proceedings 2002: Selected Papers of the International …, 2003
Knowledge Updating in Bayesian Networks
T Łukaszewski
Procedings of the 14th International Conference on Systems Science, Oficyna …, 2001
Adaptation of the certainty factor model to distributed and real-time reasoning systems
T Łukaszewski
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 35, 76-85, 1996
An Online Tool for Semi-Automatically Annotating Music Scores for Optical Music Recognition
S Graczyk, Z Piniarska, M Kałamoniak, T Łukaszewski, E Łukasik
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for …, 2024
Sequential classification by exploring levels of abstraction
T Łukaszewski, S Wilk
Procedia Computer Science 35, 309-317, 2014
Attribute value ontology
T Łukaszewski, J Józefowska, A Ławrynowicz
Using semantics in data mining,[w:] Proceedings of the 14th International …, 2012
Clustering results of conjunctive queries over knowledge bases in OWL
J Józefowska, A Lawrynowicz, T Lukaszewski
Proc. of ESWC, 2009
Materialized views in mining ontology instances.
J Józefowska, A Lawrynowicz, T Lukaszewski
ESWC (Posters), 2008
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Articles 1–20