Brandford Bervell (PostDoc., PhD.)
Brandford Bervell (PostDoc., PhD.)
College of Distance Education , University of Cape Coast
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Cited by
Google Classroom for mobile learning in higher education: Modelling the initial perceptions of students
JA Kumar, B Bervell
Education and Information Technologies 24 (2), 1793-1817, 2019
Google classroom: insights from Malaysian higher education students’ and instructors’ experiences
JA Kumar, B Bervell, S Osman
Education and Information Technologies …, 2020
LMS-Enabled blended learning utilization in distance tertiary education: establishing the relationships among facilitating conditions, voluntariness of use and use behaviour
B Bervell, V Arkorful
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (IJETHE …, 2020
Behavioral intention to use mobile learning: Evaluating the role of self-efficacy, subjective norm, and WhatsApp use habit
Kumar, J.A, B Bervell, N Annamalai, S Osman
IEEE ACCESS 8, 208058-208074, 2020
Blended learning or face-to-face? Does Tutor anxiety prevent the adoption of Learning Management Systems for distance education in Ghana?
B Bervell, IN Umar
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 35 (2), 159-177, 2020
A Decade of LMS Acceptance and Adoption Research in Sub-Sahara African Higher Education: A Systematic Review of Models, Methodologies, Milestones and Main Challenges
B Bervell, N Umar, Irfan
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 13 (11 …, 2017
Validation of the UTAUT Model: Re-Considering Non-Linear Relationships of Exogeneous Variables in Higher Education Technology Acceptance Research
B Bervell, N Umar, Irfan
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education 13 (10 …, 2017
QR Code utilization in a large classroom: Higher education students’ initial perceptions
SN Abdul Rabu, H Hussin, B Bervell
Education and Information Technologies 24 (1), 359-384, 2019
A comparative review of mobile health and electronic health utilization in sub-Saharan African countries
B Bervell, H Al-Samarraie
Social Science and Medicine 232 (, 1-16, 2019
Towards a model for online learning satisfaction (MOLS): re-considering non-linear relationships among personal innovativeness and modes of online interaction
B Bervell, N Umar, Irfan, H Kamilin,Muhamad
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e- Learning 35 (3), 236-259, 2020
LMS-Enabled Blended Learning Use Intentions among Distance Education Tutors: Examining the Mediation Role of Attitude Based on Technology-Related Stimulus-Response Theoretical …
B Bervell, P Nyagorme, V Arkorful
Contemporary Educational Technology 12 …, 2020
Modelling the perspectives of distance education students towards online learning during COVID‐19 pandemic
M Segbenya, B Bervell, VM Minadzi, BA Somuah
Smart Learning Environments‐022‐00193‐y 9 (13 …, 2022
Remodelling the role of facilitating conditions for Google Classroom acceptance: A revision of UTAUT2
B Bervell, JA Kumar, V Arkorful, EM Agyapong, S Osman
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) 38 (1), 115-135, 2022
Acceptance and Satisfaction of Learning Management System Enabled Blended Learning Based on a Modified DeLone-McLean Information System Success Model
S Ghazal, H Aldowah, IN Umar, B Bervell
International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM …, 2018
Effect of computer assisted instruction on the achievement of basic school students in pre-technical skills
PD Ahiatrogah, MB Madjoub, B Bervell
Academic journal of interdisciplinary studies 2 (1), 77-86, 2013
Investigating the Acceptance of Mobile Health Application User Interface Cultural-Based Design to Assist Arab Elderly Users
A ALsswey, IN Umar, B Bervell
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA …, 2018
Integration of social media for smart pedagogy: initial perceptions of senior high school students in Ghana.
KA Barfi, B Bervell, V Arkorful
Education and Information Technologies …, 2021
Utilization decision towards LMS for blended learning in distance education: Modeling the effects of personality factors in exclusivity
B Bervell, IN Umar
Knowledge Management & E-Learning 10 (3), 309– 333., 2018
Octennial Review (2010-2018) of Literature on M-Learning for Promoting Distributed-Based Medical Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
AA Yunusa, IN Umar, B Bervell
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 20 (2 …, 2019
The awareness and use of electronic learning platforms: A case of a developing country
P Nyagorme, AA Qua-Enoo, B Bervell, V Arkorful
HRpub, 2017
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Articles 1–20