Roberto Santiago de Roock
Cited by
Cited by
Innovating pedagogy 2016: Open University innovation report 5
M Sharples, R de Roock, R Ferguson, M Gaved, C Herodotou, E Koh, ...
Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, 2016
Digital methods for social science: An interdisciplinary guide to research innovation
S Roberts, H Snee, C Hine, Y Morey, H Watson
Springer, 2016
Capturing the sociomateriality of digital literacy events
I Bhatt, R de Roock
Research in Learning Technology 21, 2013
Diving deep into digital literacy: emerging methods for research
I Bhatt, R De Roock, J Adams
Language and Education 29 (6), 477-492, 2015
On the material consequences of (digital) literacy: Digital writing with, for, and against racial capitalism
RS De Roock
Theory Into Practice 60 (2), 183-193, 2021
MySkillsFuture for Students, STEM Learning, and the Design of Neoliberal Citizenship in Singapore
RS de Roock, M Baildon
Cognition and Instruction 37 (3), 285-305, 2019
Civic dimensions of critical digital literacies: Towards an abolitionist lens
A Garcia, RS de Roock
Pedagogies: An International Journal 16 (2), 187-201, 2021
The handbook of critical literacies
JZ Pandya, RA Mora, JH Alford, NA Golden, RS De Roock
Routledge, 2022
& Weller, M.(2016)
M Sharples, R de Roock, R Ferguson, M Gaved, C Herodotou, E Koh
Innovating pedagogy, 2016
Digital game-based learning: Foundations, applications, and critical issues
E Aguilera, R de Roock
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, 2022
Introduction to the handbook of critical literacies: The current state of critical literacy around the world
JZ Pandya, RA Mora, JH Alford, NA Golden, RS de Roock
The handbook of critical literacies, 3-9, 2021
Video analysis in digital literacy studies: Exploring innovative methods
R De Roock, I Bhatt, J Adams
Digital methods for social science: An interdisciplinary guide to research …, 2016
& Wong, LH (2016)
M Sharples, R de Roock, R Ferguson, M Gaved, C Herodotou, E Koh
Innovating pedagogy, 1-47, 2016
Proficiency and preference using local language with a teachable agent
A Ogan, E Yarzebinski, R De Roock, C Dumdumaya, M Banawan, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 18th International Conference, AIED …, 2017
Digital selves, material bodies, and participant research tools: towards material semiotic video ethnography
RS de Roock
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-15, 2019
Critical Literacy and Abolition
JA Coles, RS de Roock, HLS Malone, AD Musser
The Critical Literacies Handbook, 2021
Constructing underachievement: The discursive life of Singapore in US federal education policy
RS de Roock, DM Espeņa
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 38 (3), 303-318, 2018
Digital platforms and the ELA classroom
RJ LeBlanc, E Aguilera, S Burriss, R de Roock, W Fassbender, B Monea, ...
National Council of Teachers of English, A Policy Research Brief, James R …, 2023
Datafication, educational platforms and proceduralised ideologies
E Aguilera, RS de Roock
Learning to Live with Datafication, 100-118, 2022
Conclusion: critical literacy and the challenges ahead of us
RA Mora, JZ Pandya, JH Alford, NA Golden, RS de Roock
The handbook of critical literacies, 465-471, 2021
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Articles 1–20