Nilantha Hulugalle
Nilantha Hulugalle
Fenner School of Environment, Australian National University
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Using legumes to enhance nitrogen fertility and improve soil condition in cotton cropping systems
IJ Rochester, MB Peoples, NR Hulugalle, RR Gault, GA Constable
Field crops research 70 (1), 27-41, 2001
The impact of ant bioturbation and foraging activities on surrounding soil properties
JN Nkem, LAL De Bruyn, CD Grant, NR Hulugalle
Pedobiologia 44 (5), 609-621, 2000
A review of the changes in soil quality and profitability accomplished by sowing rotation crops after cotton in Australian Vertosols from 1970 to 2006
NR Hulugalle, F Scott
Soil Research 46 (2), 173-190, 2008
Soil properties, nutrient uptake and crop growth in an irrigated Vertisol after nine years of minimum tillage
NR Hulugalle, P Entwistle
Soil and Tillage Research 42 (1-2), 15-32, 1997
Amelioration of soil physical properties by Mucuna after mechanized land clearing of a tropical rain forest
NR Hulugalle, R Lal, CHH Ter Kuile
Soil Science 141 (3), 219-224, 1986
Residual effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil properties, soil invertebrate numbers and nutrient uptake in an irrigated Vertisol sown to cotton
NR Hulugalle, LAL De Bruyn, P Entwistle
Applied Soil Ecology 7 (1), 11-30, 1997
Effects of cassava-based cropping systems on physico-chemical properties of soil and earthworm casts in a tropical Alfisol
NR Hulugalle, HC Ezumah
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 35 (1), 55-63, 1991
Soil Water Balance of Intercropped Maize and Cowpea Grown in a Tropical Hydromorphic Soil in Western Nigeria1
NR Hulugalle, R Lal
Agronomy Journal 78 (1), 86-90, 1986
Effects of no-tillage and alley cropping on soil properties and crop yields in a Typic Kandiudult of southern Cameroon
NR Hulugalle, JN Ndi
Agroforestry Systems 22, 207-220, 1993
Root growth of maize in a compacted gravelly tropical alfisol as affected by rotation with a woody perennial
NR Hulugalle, R Lal
Field Crops Research 13, 33-44, 1986
Changes in some soil properties due to tillage practices in rainfed hardsetting Alfisols and irrigated Vertisols of eastern Australia
KY Chan, NR Hulugalle
Soil and Tillage Research 53 (1), 49-57, 1999
Effect of hedgerow species in alley cropping systems on surface soil physical properties of an Oxic Paleustalf in south-western Nigeria
NR Hulugalle, BT Kang
The Journal of Agricultural Science 114 (3), 301-307, 1990
Effect of five years of no-tillage and mulch on soil properties and tuber yield of cassava on an acid ultisol in south-eastern Nigeria
NR Hulugalle, R Lal, M Gichuru
Experimental Agriculture 26 (2), 235-240, 1990
Soil physical changes and crop root growth following different methods of land clearing in western Nigeria.
NR Hulugalle, R Lal, CHH Ter Kuile
Soil science 138 (2), 172-179, 1984
Effect of tillage system and mulch on soil properties and growth of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) and cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) on an Ultisol.
NR Hulugalle, R Lal, OA Opara-Nadi
Impact of crop rotation and minimum tillage on water use efficiency of irrigated cotton in a Vertisol
SB Tennakoon, NR Hulugalle
Irrigation science 25, 45-52, 2006
Cotton-based rotation systems on a sodic Vertosol under irrigation: effects on soil quality and profitability
NR Hulugalle, PC Entwistle, TB Weaver, F Scott, LA Finlay
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 42 (3), 341-349, 2002
Soil properties, and cotton growth, yield and fibre quality in three cotton-based cropping systems
NR Hulugalle, DB Nehl, TB Weaver
Soil and Tillage Research 75 (2), 131-141, 2004
Soil properties and crop yields in a dryland Vertisol sown with cotton-based crop rotations
NR Hulugalle, TB Weaver, LA Finlay, J Hare, PC Entwistle
Soil and Tillage Research 93 (2), 356-369, 2007
Changes in properties of sodic Australian Vertisols with application of organic waste products
S Ghosh, P Lockwood, N Hulugalle, H Daniel, P Kristiansen, K Dodd
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74 (1), 153-160, 2010
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Articles 1–20