Glenda Cox
Glenda Cox
Associate Professor, University of Cape Town
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Cited by
Investigating identity and life histories: isotopic analysis and historical documentation of slave skeletons found on the Cape Town foreshore, South Africa
G Cox, J Sealy
International Journal of Historical Archaeology 1, 207-224, 1997
Evaluating the use of synchronous communication in two blended courses
G Cox, T Carr, M Hall
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 20 (3), 183-193, 2004
Weathering wikis: Net-based learning meets political science in a South African university
T Carr, A Morrison, G Cox, A Deacon
Computers and Composition 24 (3), 266-284, 2007
Determining isotopic life history trajectories using bone density fractionation and stable isotope measurements: a new approach
LS Bell, G Cox, J Sealy
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2001
Institutional culture and OER policy: How structure, culture, and agency mediate OER policy potential in South African universities
G Cox, H Trotter
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 17 (5 …, 2016
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic analyses of the underclass at the colonial Cape of Good Hope in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
G Cox, J Sealy, C Schrire, A Morris
World Archaeology 33 (1), 73-97, 2001
Responding to the initial challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of international responses and impact in school and higher education
CM Stracke, D Burgos, G Santos-Hermosa, A Bozkurt, RC Sharma, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1876, 2022
Factors shaping lecturers’ adoption of OER at three South African universities
G Cox, H Trotter
African Minds, International Development Research Centre & Research on Open …, 2017
An OER framework, heuristic and lens: Tools for understanding lecturers' adoption of OER
G Cox, H Trotter
Open Praxis 9 (2), 151-171, 2017
Bridging the gap: micro-credentials for development: UNESCO chairs policy brief form-under the III world higher education conference (WHEC 2021) type: collective X
R McGreal, W Mackintosh, G Cox, D Olcott Jr
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 23 (3 …, 2022
Impact of COVID-19 on formal education: an international review of practices and potentials of open education at a distance
CM Stracke, RC Sharma, A Bozkurt, D Burgos, CS Cassafieres, ...
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 23 (4 …, 2022
Open textbooks and social justice: Open educational practices to address economic, cultural and political injustice at the University of Cape Town
G Cox, B Masuku, M Willmers
Researching resistance to open education resource contribution: An activity theory approach
G Cox
E-learning and Digital Media 10 (2), 148-160, 2013
Defining innovation: Using soft systems methodology to approach the complexity of innovation in educational technology
G Cox
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 6 (1), 5-13, 2010
Explaining the relations between culture, structure and agency in lecturers' contribution and non-contribution to Open Educational Resources in a higher education institution
G Cox
365 Days of openness: The emergence of OER at the University of Cape Town
C Hodgkinson-Williams, M Paskevicius, G Cox, S Shaikh, L Czerniewicz, ...
Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice, 2013
Sustainable open textbook models for social justice
G Cox, M Willmers, B Masuku
Frontiers in Education 7, 881998, 2022
Cobern Street burial ground: investigating the identity and life histories of the underclass of eighteenth century Cape Town
G Cox
Open Education and Open Science for our Global Society during and after the COVID-19 Outbreak
CM Stracke, A Bozkurt, G Conole, F Nascimbeni, E Ossiannilsson, ...
Proceedings of the Open Education Global Conference, 4, 2020
Exploring the Institutional OER Policy Landscape in South Africa: Dominant Discourses and Assumptions.
PR Chikuni, G Cox, L Czerniewicz
International Journal of Education and Development using Information and …, 2019
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Articles 1–20