Constantin Brif
Constantin Brif
Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories
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Control of quantum phenomena: past, present and future
C Brif, R Chakrabarti, H Rabitz
New Journal of Physics 12 (7), 075008, 2010
Self-Referenced Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution Protocol
DBS Soh, C Brif, PJ Coles, N Lütkenhaus, RM Camacho, J Urayama, ...
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041010, 2015
Phase-space formulation of quantum mechanics and quantum-state reconstruction for physical systems with Lie-group symmetries
C Brif, A Mann
Physical Review A 59 (2), 971, 1999
Optimal control of quantum gates and suppression of decoherence in a system of interacting two-level particles
M Grace, C Brif, H Rabitz, IA Walmsley, RL Kosut, DA Lidar
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40 (9), S103, 2007
Coherent control of decoherence
MPA Branderhorst, P Londero, P Wasylczyk, C Brif, RL Kosut, H Rabitz, ...
Science 320 (5876), 638-643, 2008
Nonclassical interferometry with intelligent light
C Brif, A Mann
Physical Review A 54 (5), 4505, 1996
Controllability of open quantum systems with Kraus-map dynamics
R Wu, A Pechen, C Brif, H Rabitz
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (21), 5681, 2007
Robust control of quantum gates via sequential convex programming
RL Kosut, MD Grace, C Brif
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (5), 052326, 2013
A general theory of phase-space quasiprobability distributions
C Brif, A Mann
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (1), L9, 1998
Exploring the tradeoff between fidelity and time optimal control of quantum unitary transformations
KW Moore Tibbetts, C Brif, MD Grace, A Donovan, DL Hocker, TS Ho, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 062309, 2012
Analytic representations based on SU (1, 1) coherent states and their applications
C Brif, A Vourdas, A Mann
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (18), 5873, 1996
SU(2) andSU(1,1) algebra eigenstates: A unified analytic approach to coherent and intelligent states
C Brif
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 36, 1651-1682, 1997
Control of quantum phenomena
C Brif, R Chakrabarti, H Rabitz
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 148, 1-76, 2011
Decoherence of molecular vibrational wave packets: Observable manifestations and control criteria
C Brif, H Rabitz, S Wallentowitz, IA Walmsley
Physical Review A 63 (6), 063404, 2001
Two-photon algebra eigenstates: a unified approach to squeezing
C Brif
annals of physics 251 (2), 180-207, 1996
Encoding a qubit into multilevel subspaces
M Grace, C Brif, H Rabitz, I Walmsley, R Kosut, D Lidar
New Journal of Physics 8 (3), 35, 2006
Environment-invariant measure of distance between evolutions of an open quantum system
MD Grace, J Dominy, RL Kosut, C Brif, H Rabitz
New Journal of Physics 12 (1), 015001, 2010
Searching for quantum optimal controls under severe constraints
G Riviello, KM Tibbetts, C Brif, R Long, RB Wu, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Physical Review A 91 (4), 043401, 2015
Characterization of control noise effects in optimal quantum unitary dynamics
D Hocker, C Brif, MD Grace, A Donovan, TS Ho, KM Tibbetts, R Wu, ...
Physical Review A 90 (6), 062309, 2014
Searching for quantum optimal control fields in the presence of singular critical points
G Riviello, C Brif, R Long, RB Wu, KM Tibbetts, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Physical Review A 90 (1), 013404, 2014
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