Yaseen Moolla
Cited by
Cited by
Biometric recognition of infants using fingerprint, iris, and ear biometrics
Y Moolla, A De Kock, G Mabuza-Hocquet, CS Ntshangase, N Nelufule, ...
IEEE Access 9, 38269-38286, 2021
Optical coherence tomography for fingerprint presentation attack detection
Y Moolla, L Darlow, A Sharma, A Singh, J Van Der Merwe
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing: Presentation Attack Detection, 49-70, 2019
Image Quality Assessment for Iris Biometrics for Minors
N Nelufule, A de Kock, G Mabuza-Hocquet, Y Moolla
2019 Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society (ICTAS …, 2019
Fingerprint matching with optical coherence tomography
Y Moolla, A Singh, E Saith, S Akhoury
Advances in Visual Computing: 11th International Symposium, ISVC 2015, Las …, 2015
Handwritten signature verification using weighted fractional distance classification
Y Moolla, S Viriri, FV Nelwamondo, JR Tapamo
2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and …, 2012
Damage invariant and high security acquisition of the internal fingerprint using optical coherence tomography
LN Darlow, A Singh, Y Moolla, LR Ramokolo, R Van Wyk, N Botha, ...
Infonomics Society, 2016
Offline signature verification using locally optimized distance-based classification
Y Moolla, F Nelwamondo, S Viriri, JR Tapamo
South African Computer Journal 50 (1), 15-27, 2013
Application of Geospatial Data in Cyber security
N Veerasamy, Y Moolla, Z Dawood
European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security 21 (1), 305-313, 2022
Complexity and distortion analysis on methods for unrolling 3D to 2D fingerprints
CS Mlambo, Y Moolla
2015 11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2015
Local directional pattern based signature verification using weighted fractional distance classification
Y Moolla, S Viriri, JR Tapamo, FV Nelwamondo
Proceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and …, 2012
Handwritten signature verification using locally optimized distance-based classification.
Y Moolla
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Articles 1–11