Francisco Viveros Jimenez
Francisco Viveros Jimenez
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Cited by
Empirical study of machine learning based approach for opinion mining in tweets
G Sidorov, S Miranda-Jiménez, F Viveros-Jiménez, A Gelbukh, ...
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Mexican International Conference …, 2013
Empirical analysis of a micro-evolutionary algorithm for numerical optimization
F Viveros Jiménez, E Mezura Montes, A Gelbukh
International Journal of Physical Sciences 7 (8), 1235-1258, 2012
Simple window selection strategies for the simplified lesk algorithm for word sense disambiguation
F Viveros-Jiménez, A Gelbukh, G Sidorov
Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 217-227, 2013
Hydrocarbon contamination patterns in the cenotes of the Mexican caribbean: the application of principal component analysis
JA León-Borges, F Viveros-Jiménez, AE Rodríguez-Mata, ...
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 105, 758-763, 2020
Improving the boilerpipe algorithm for boilerplate removal in news articles using html tree structure
F Viveros-Jiménez, MA Sanchez-Perez, H Gómez-Adorno, ...
Computación y Sistemas 22 (2), 483-489, 2018
Elitistic evolution: a novel micro-population approach for global optimization problems
F Viveros-Jiménez, E Mezura-Montes, A Gelbukh
2009 Eighth Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 15-20, 2009
An adaptive single-point algorithm for global numerical optimization
F Viveros-Jiménez, JA León-Borges, N Cruz-Cortés
Expert systems with applications 41 (3), 877-885, 2014
Empirical study of opinion mining in Spanish tweets. MICAI 2012
G Sidorov, S Miranda-Jiménez, F Viveros-Jiménez, A Gelbukh, ...
Lect Notes Comput Sci 7629, 1-14, 2012
Adaptive evolution: an efficient heuristic for global optimization
F Viveros Jiménez, E Mezura Montes, A Gelbukh
Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2009
One sense per discourse heuristic for improving precision of WSD methods based on lexical intersections with the context
G Sidorov, F Viveros-Jiménez
POLIBITS 57, 45-50, 2018
Empirical study of machine learning based approach for opinion mining in tweets
S Miranda-Jiménez, F Viveros-Jiménez, N Castro-Sánchez, F Velásquez, ...
11th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2012, 2013
Elitistic evolution
F Viveros-Jiménez, E Mezura-Montes
8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2009, 2009
Elitistic evolution
FV Jiménez, E Mezura-Montes
9th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms …, 2009
Adaptive evolution
F Viveros-Jiménez, E Mezura-Montes
11th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-2009, 2009
Word sense disambiguation through associative dictionaries
F Viveros Jiménez
Viveros Jiménez, Francisco, 0
MICAI 2017 Additional Reviewers
MY Ameca-Alducin, I Batyrshin, J Burchard, J Cai, K Castillo-Rosado, ...
3-D Fractal Characterization of Tumors from a Computer Tomography Scan
EC Pérez, TM Acoltzi, FV Jiménez
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms and Applications, 95, 0
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Articles 1–17