Mogamat Noor Davids
Cited by
Cited by
Towards a digital resource mobilisation approach for digital inclusion during COVID-19 and beyond: A case of a township school in South Africa
TR Mkhlze, MN Davids
Educational Research for Social Change 10 (2), 18-32, 2021
Traditional tutorial system-fit for purpose or past its sell-by date? University students' pedagogical experiences: leading article
MN Davids
South African Journal of Higher Education 28 (2), 338-354, 2014
" Making History compulsory": Politically inspired or pedagogically justifiable?
MN Davids
Yesterday and Today, 84-102, 2016
Ideology critique as decolonising pedagogy: Urban forced removals as a case study
MN Davids
Educational Research for Social Change 7 (SPE), 16-30, 2018
Student experiences of microteaching: promoting reproductive or innovative learning?
MN Davids
South African Journal of Higher Education 30 (1), 106-122, 2016
Using Foucauldian'discursive practices' as conceptual framework for the study of teachers' discourses of HIV and sexuality
MN Davids
Perspectives in Education 32 (3), 36-49, 2014
Islamic Tourism in South Africa: an emerging market approach.
MN Davids
Islamic Tourism Trends, Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Economy …, 2015
Is Team Teaching Learner-friendly or Teacher-centred? Mode of Delivery in a Postgraduate Module
L Maharajh, MN Davids, SB Khoza
Alternation, 150-168, 2013
" Can Foucault come to the rescue?"-From Dogma to Discourse: deconstructing the History of Education for democratic subjects
MN Davids
Yesterday and Today, 00-00, 2013
‘From History Project to Transdisciplinary Research’: District Six as a case study
MN Davids
TD: The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa 14 (2), 1-8, 2018
Re-imagining Cosmopolitanism in Post-Apartheid South Africa - Reviving Historical "Cosmubuntism" in Forced Removal Spaces for A Democratic Future
MN Davids
The International Journal of Community Diversity 18 (1), 23, 2018
Teaching Practicum Assessment in Post-apartheid Teacher Education: Is it self-serving or serving students?
MN Davids
Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy 41 (4 …, 2015
The History of Collegians rugby club's survival: from apartheid to democracy.
MN Davids
Journal for Contemporary History 40 (1), 144-161, 2015
Resources mobilisation challenges in rural schools of South Africa: What can we learn?
TR Mkhize, MN Davids
REMIE: Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research 13 (3), 295-312, 2023
Covid-19 catalysing assessment transformation: a case of the online open book examination
S Meeran, MN Davids
South African Journal of Higher Education 36 (3), 109-122, 2022
Using memory work as a decolonising pedagogy in a study on District Six's forced removal history: a case for epistemic justice
MN Davids
Journal of Education 69 (2), 93- 116, 2017
Learners' imagination of democratic citizenship in post-apartheid South Africa: Exploring critical literary pedagogy in History teaching
M Noor Davids
Yesterday and Today, 29-46, 2019
“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Colour”: Black Academic Experiences of Discrimination in an Education Faculty at a South African University
MN Davids
Journal of Black Studies 49 (5), 427-447, 2018
Student responses to an ICT-Based E-Assessment Application for the Teaching practicum/Teaching Practice module
MN Davids
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education …, 2017
Open distance and e-learning: Ethiopian doctoral students’ satisfaction with support services
TGM Aberra, MN Davids
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 23 (4 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20