Jennifer A. Devine
Cited by
Cited by
Violence and dispossession in tourism development: A critical geographical approach
J Devine, D Ojeda
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25 (5), 605-617, 2017
Colonizing space and commodifying place: tourism's violent geographies
JA Devine
Peace Through Tourism, 412-428, 2022
Why do narcos invest in rural land?
K McSweeney, N Richani, Z Pearson, J Devine, DJ Wrathall
Journal of Latin American Geography, 3-29, 2017
Counterinsurgency ecotourism in Guatemala's Maya biosphere reserve
J Devine
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32 (6), 984-1001, 2014
Modeling cocaine traffickers and counterdrug interdiction forces as a complex adaptive system
NR Magliocca, K McSweeney, SE Sesnie, E Tellman, JA Devine, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (16), 7784-7792, 2019
Narco‐cattle ranching in political forests
JA Devine, D Wrathall, N Currit, B Tellman, YR Langarica
Antipode 52 (4), 1018-1038, 2020
The impacts of cocaine-trafficking on conservation governance in Central America
DJ Wrathall, J Devine, B Aguilar-González, K Benessaiah, E Tellman, ...
Global Environmental Change 63, 102098, 2020
Illicit Drivers of Land Use Change: Narcotrafficking and Forest Loss in Central America
B Tellman, SE Sesnie, NR Magliocca, EA Nielsen, JA Devine, ...
Global Environmental Change 63, 2020
Drug trafficking, cattle ranching and Land use and Land cover change in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve
JA Devine, N Currit, Y Reygadas, LI Liller, G Allen
Land Use Policy 95, 104578, 2020
Community forest concessionaires: resisting green grabs and producing political subjects in Guatemala
JA Devine
The Journal of Peasant Studies 45 (3), 565-584, 2018
Im/mobility at the US–Mexico border during the COVID-19 pandemic
SA Blue, JA Devine, MP Ruiz, K McDaniel, AR Hartsell, CJ Pierce, ...
Social Sciences 10 (2), 47, 2021
The political forest in the era of green neoliberalism
JA Devine, JA Baca
Antipode 52 (4), 911-927, 2020
Narco-degradation: Cocaine trafficking’s environmental impacts in Central America’s protected areas
JA Devine, D Wrathall, B Aguilar-González, K Benessaiah, B Tellman, ...
World Development 144, 105474, 2021
Formaciones actuales de lo campesino en América Latina: conceptualizaciones, sujetos/as políticos/as y territorios en disputa
JA Devine, D Ojeda, SM Yie Garzón
Antipoda: Revista de Antropología y Arqueología 40, 3-25, 2020
Narcotrafficking and land control in Guatemala and Honduras
B Tellman, K McSweeney, L Manak, JA Devine, S Sesnie, E Nielsen, ...
LSE Press, 2021
Politics of post-war tourism in Guatemala: Contested identities, histories, and futures
JA Devine
L’Espace Politique. Revue en ligne de géographie politique et de géopolitique, 2016
Hardworking newcomers and generations of poverty: Poverty discourse in Central Washington State
J Devine
Antipode 38 (5), 953-976, 2006
Contesting global heritage in the Chicle workers' museum
JA Devine
Latin American Research Review 51 (3), 101-122, 2016
Tourism and Territory in the Mayan World
JA Devine
University of California, Berkeley, 2013
The Maya spirit”: Tourism and multiculturalism in post peace accords Guatemala
J Devine
London Journal of Tourism, Sport and Creative Industries 2 (1), 28-42, 2009
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Articles 1–20