Pierre Morand
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Cited by
Long-term fluctuations of Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria, Scyphomedusa) in the western Mediterranean Sea. Prediction by climatic variables
J Goy, P Morand, M Etienne
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 36 (2), 269-279, 1989
Testing resilience thinking in a poverty context: Experience from the Niger River basin
C Béné, L Evans, D Mills, S Ovie, A Raji, A Tafida, A Kodio, F Sinaba, ...
Global Environmental Change 21 (4), 1173-1184, 2011
Vulnerability in African small‐scale fishing communities
D Mills, C Béné, S Ovie, A Tafida, F Sinaba, A Kodio, A Russell, N Andrew, ...
Journal of International Development 23 (2), 308-313, 2011
A review on coastal erosion and flooding risks and best management practices in West Africa: what has been done and should be done
B Alves, DB Angnuureng, P Morand, R Almar
Journal of Coastal Conservation 24 (3), 38, 2020
Water, agriculture and poverty in the Niger River basin
A Ogilvie, G Mahé, J Ward, G Serpantié, J Lemoalle, P Morand, B Barbier, ...
Water, Food and Poverty in River Basins, 131-159, 2013
Simulating the interaction between a society and a renewable resource
F Bousquet, C Cambier, C Mullon, P Morand, J Quensière, A Pavé
Journal of biological systems 1 (02), 199-214, 1993
Feeding and metabolism of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (scyphomedusae, semaeostomae)
P Morand, C Carré, DC Biggs
Journal of Plankton Research 9 (4), 651-665, 1987
Distributed artificial intelligence and object-oriented modelling of a fishery
F Bousquet, C Cambier, P Morand
Mathematical and computer modelling 20 (8), 97-107, 1994
Vulnerability and adaptation of African rural populations to hydro-climate change: experience from fishing communities in the Inner Niger Delta (Mali)
P Morand, A Kodio, N Andrew, F Sinaba, J Lemoalle, C Béné
Climatic Change 115, 463-483, 2012
Pêche artisanale et émigration des jeunes africains par voie piroguière
A Sall, P Morand
Politique africaine, 32-41, 2008
Simulating fishermen society
F Bousquet, C Cambier, C Mullon, P Morand, J Quensiere
Simulating societies: the computer simulation of social process., 143-163, 1994
Avenir du fleuve Niger
J Marie, P Morand, H N’Djim
IRD Éditions, 2007
Small-scale distribution of macroplankton and micronekton in the Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) as observed from the manned submersible Cyana
P Laval, JC Braconnot, C Carré, J Goy, P Morand, CE Mills
Journal of Plankton Research 11 (4), 665-685, 1989
Review of the present state of the environment, fish stocks and fisheries of the river Niger (West Africa)
R Laë, S Williams, P Morand, O Mikolasek
FAO, 2004
Towards West African coastal social-ecosystems sustainability: Interdisciplinary approaches
O Dada, R Almar, P Morand, F Menard
Ocean & Coastal Management 211, 105746, 2021
Fishing livelihoods: successful diversification, or sinking into poverty?
P Morand, OI Sy, C Breuil
Towards a new map of Africa, 95-120, 2005
Recrutement et fluctuations à long-terme de Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa)
P Morand, J Goy, S Dallot
Ann Inst Oceanogr 68, 151-158, 1992
Assessing economic effects of a marine protected area on fishing households. A Thai case study
JY Weigel, P Morand, T Mawongwai, JF Noël, R Tokrishna
Fisheries Research 161, 64-76, 2015
Variations annuelles et pluriannuelles de quelques espèces du macroplancton côtier de la Mer Ligure (1898-1914)
P Morand, S Dallot
Rapports de la Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de …, 1985
Modélisation de la ressource: relations entre l’effort de pêche, la dynamique du peuplement ichtyologique et le niveau des captures dans un système fleuve-plaine
P Morand, F Bousquet
La pêche dans le Delta Central du Niger. IER-ORSTOM-KARTHALA, 267-281, 1994
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Articles 1–20