Falko Pientka
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Cited by
Topological superconducting phase in helical Shiba chains
F Pientka, LI Glazman, F Von Oppen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (15), 155420, 2013
End states and subgap structure in proximity-coupled chains of magnetic adatoms
M Ruby, F Pientka, Y Peng, F Von Oppen, BW Heinrich, KJ Franke
Physical review letters 115 (19), 197204, 2015
Topological superconductivity in a phase-controlled Josephson junction
H Ren, F Pientka, S Hart, AT Pierce, M Kosowsky, L Lunczer, R Schlereth, ...
Nature 569 (7754), 93-98, 2019
Topological superconductivity in a planar Josephson junction
F Pientka, A Keselman, E Berg, A Yacoby, A Stern, BI Halperin
Physical Review X 7 (2), 021032, 2017
First-principle calculations of the Berry curvature of Bloch states for charge and spin transport of electrons
M Gradhand, DV Fedorov, F Pientka, P Zahn, I Mertig, BL Györffy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (21), 213202, 2012
Strong localization of Majorana end states in chains of magnetic adatoms
Y Peng, F Pientka, LI Glazman, F Von Oppen
Physical review letters 114 (10), 106801, 2015
Tunneling processes into localized subgap states in superconductors
M Ruby, F Pientka, Y Peng, F Von Oppen, BW Heinrich, KJ Franke
Physical review letters 115 (8), 087001, 2015
Enhanced Zero-Bias Majorana Peak in the Differential Tunneling Conductance of Disordered<? format?> Multisubband Quantum-Wire/Superconductor Junctions
F Pientka, G Kells, A Romito, PW Brouwer, F von Oppen
Physical review letters 109 (22), 227006, 2012
Unconventional topological phase transitions in helical Shiba chains
F Pientka, LI Glazman, F von Oppen
Physical Review B 89 (18), 180505, 2014
Signatures of topological Josephson junctions
Y Peng, F Pientka, E Berg, Y Oreg, F von Oppen
Physical Review B 94 (8), 085409, 2016
Signatures of topological phase transitions in mesoscopic superconducting rings
F Pientka, A Romito, M Duckheim, Y Oreg, F von Oppen
New Journal of Physics 15 (2), 025001, 2013
Shortcuts to non-Abelian braiding
T Karzig, F Pientka, G Refael, F von Oppen
Physical Review B 91 (20), 201102, 2015
Topological superconducting phases in one dimension
F von Oppen, Y Peng, F Pientka
Topological Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics 103, 387-447, 2017
Robust Majorana conductance peaks for a superconducting lead
Y Peng, F Pientka, Y Vinkler-Aviv, LI Glazman, F von Oppen
Physical Review Letters 115 (26), 266804, 2015
Tuning topological superconductivity in phase-controlled Josephson junctions with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
B Scharf, F Pientka, H Ren, A Yacoby, EM Hankiewicz
Physical Review B 99 (21), 214503, 2019
Unconventional supercurrent phase in Ising superconductor Josephson junction with atomically thin magnetic insulator
H Idzuchi, F Pientka, KF Huang, K Harada, Ö Gül, YJ Shin, LT Nguyen, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5332, 2021
Transport of neutral optical excitations using electric fields
O Cotleţ, F Pientka, R Schmidt, G Zarand, E Demler, A Imamoglu
Physical Review X 9 (4), 041019, 2019
Topological superconducting phase and Majorana bound states in Shiba chains
F Pientka, Y Peng, L Glazman, F von Oppen
Physica Scripta 2015 (T164), 014008, 2015
Calculating the Berry curvature of Bloch electrons using the KKR method
M Gradhand, DV Fedorov, F Pientka, P Zahn, I Mertig, BL Györffy
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (7), 075113, 2011
Magneto-Josephson effects and Majorana bound states in quantum wires
F Pientka, L Jiang, D Pekker, J Alicea, G Refael, Y Oreg, F von Oppen
New Journal of Physics 15 (11), 115001, 2013
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Articles 1–20