Derrick Kourie
Derrick Kourie
Prof (Emeritus), Computer Science, Pretoria Univ; Research Associate, Stellenbosch Univ
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Addintent: A new incremental algorithm for constructing concept lattices
D Van Der Merwe, S Obiedkov, D Kourie
Concept Lattices: Second International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis …, 2004
Towards concise representation for taxonomies of epistemic communities
C Roth, S Obiedkov, D Kourie
International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, 240-255, 2006
The Correctness-by-Construction Approach to Programming
DG Kourie, BW Watson
Springer, 2012
Software engineering team diversity and performance
V Pieterse, DG Kourie, IP Sonnekus
Proceedings of the 2006 annual research conference of the South African …, 2006
On succinct representation of knowledge community taxonomies with formal concept analysis
C Roth, S Obiedkov, DG Kourie
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 19 (02), 383-404, 2008
Comparing the performance of object databases and ORM tools
P Van Zyl, DG Kourie, A Boake
Proceedings of the 2006 annual research conference of the South African …, 2006
Standards and agile software development
WHM Theunissen, DG Kourie, BW Watson
Proceedings of SAICSIT 30 (3), 178-188, 2003
An incremental algorithm to construct a lattice of set intersections
DG Kourie, S Obiedkov, BW Watson, D Van Der Merwe
Science of Computer Programming 74 (3), 128-142, 2009
Software testing using model programs
LI Manolache, DG Kourie
Software: Practice and Experience 31 (13), 1211-1236, 2001
Towards proving preservation of behaviour of refactoring of UML models
M Van Kempen, M Chaudron, D Kourie, A Boake
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 150, 252-259, 2005
Server-centric web frameworks: An overview
I Vosloo, DG Kourie
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 40 (2), 1-33, 2008
Challenges for quality in volunteered geographical information
AK Cooper, S Coetzee, I Kaczmarek, DG Kourie, A Iwaniak, T Kubik
AfricaGEO, 2011
Assessment of a framework to compare software development methodologies
R Klopper, S Gruner, DG Kourie
Proceedings of the 2007 annual research conference of the South African …, 2007
A service oriented architecture for wireless sensor and actor network applications
JM Prinsloo, CL Schulz, DG Kourie, WHM Theunissen, T Strauss, ...
Proceedings of the 2006 annual research conference of the South African …, 2006
Towards a philosophy of software development: 40 years after the birth of software engineering
M Northover, DG Kourie, A Boake, S Gruner, A Northover
Journal for General Philosophy of Science 39, 85-113, 2008
Lists, taxonomies, lattices, thesauri and ontologies: paving a pathway through a terminological jungle
V Pieterse, DG Kourie
KO Knowledge Organization 41 (3), 217-229, 2014
Tool support for correctness-by-construction
T Runge, I Schaefer, L Cleophas, T Thüm, D Kourie, BW Watson
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 22nd International …, 2019
Building access control models with attribute exploration
S Obiedkov, DG Kourie, JHP Eloff
Computers & Security 28 (1-2), 2-7, 2009
In search of the sweet spot: agile open collaborative corporate software development
WHM Theunissen, A Boake, DG Kourie
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 150, 268-277, 2005
A case for contemporary literate programming
V Pieterse, DG Kourie, A Boake
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 75, 2-9, 2004
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Articles 1–20