Terri Byers
Terri Byers
Associate Professor, Centre for Recreation and Sport in Society (CRSS), University of New Brunswick
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Corporate social responsibility in professional team sport organisations: Towards a theory of decision-making
C Anagnostopoulos, T Byers, D Shilbury
European Sport Management Quarterly 14 (3), 259-281, 2014
Key concepts in sport management
T Byers, MM Parent, T Slack
Sage, 2012
Strategic decision-making in small businesses within the leisure industry
T Byers, T Slack
Journal of Leisure Research 33 (2), 121-136, 2001
A new conceptualization of mega sports event legacy delivery: Wicked problems and critical realist solution
T Byers, E Hayday, AS Pappous
Sport management review 23 (2), 171-182, 2020
Mapping research on legacy of mega sporting events: Structural changes, consequences, and stakeholder evaluations in empirical studies
J Koenigstorfer, JN Bocarro, T Byers, MB Edwards, GJ Jones, H Preuss
Leisure Studies 38 (6), 729-745, 2019
Using critical realism: A new perspective on control of volunteers in sport clubs
T Byers
European sport management quarterly 13 (1), 5-31, 2013
COVID-19 impacts on sport governance and management: a global, critical realist perspective
T Byers, KL Gormley, M Winand, C Anagnostopoulos, R Richard, ...
Managing Sport and Leisure 27 (1-2), 99-107, 2022
Legacies and mega events: Fact or fairy tales?
I Brittain, J Bocarro, T Byers, K Swart
Routledge, 2017
Understanding control in nonprofit organisations: moving governance research forward?
T Byers, C Anagnostopoulos, G Brooke-Holmes
Corporate Governance 15 (1), 134-145, 2015
Understanding strategic decision-making through a multi-paradigm perspective: The case of charitable foundations in English football
C Anagnostopoulos, T Byers, D Kolyperas
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 7 (1), 2-20, 2017
The impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on value-in-use through customer engagement in non-profit sports clubs: The moderating role of co-production
M Behnam, C Anagnostopoulos, T Byers, DA Papadimitriou
European sport management quarterly 23 (3), 789-810, 2023
Understanding sport organizations: applications for sport managers
T Slack, T Byers, A Thurston
Human Kinetics Publishers, 2020
Contemporary issues in sport management: A critical introduction
T Byers
Contemporary Issues in Sport Management, 1-536, 2015
Legacy of sporting and non-sporting mega event research: What next?
J Bocarro, T Byers, L Carter
Legacies and Mega Events, 7-24, 2017
Innovation for positive sustainable legacy from mega sports events: virtual reality as a tool for social inclusion legacy for Paris 2024 paralympic games
T Byers, EJ Hayday, F Mason, P Lunga, D Headley
Frontiers in sports and active living 3, 625677, 2021
Pokémon “Go” but for how long?: a qualitative analysis of motivation to play and sustainability of physical activity behaviour in young adults using mobile augmented reality
M Winand, A Ng, T Byers
Managing Sport and Leisure 27 (5), 421-438, 2022
Research on voluntary sport organisations: established themes and emerging opportunities
T Byers
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 6 (2), 215-228, 2009
Mega events
T Byers, T Slack, MM Parent
Key concepts in sport management, 103-106, 2012
Understanding control in voluntary sport organizations
T Byers, I Henry, T Slack
International perspectives on the management of sport, 269-286, 2007
Managing sport and leisure in the era of Covid-19
AE Manoli, C Anagnostopoulos, A Ahonen, N Bolton, A Bowes, C Brown, ...
Managing Sport and leisure 27 (1-2), 1-6, 2022
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