Aaron Davis
Aaron Davis
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Low-Contact Co-Design: Considering more flexible spatiotemporal models for the co-design workshop
A Davis, W Niki, J Langley, G Ian
Strategic Design Research Journal 14 (1), 2021
Pendulum motion in airborne HEM systems
AC Davis, J Macnae, T Robb
Exploration Geophysics 37 (4), 355-362, 2006
Quantifying AEM system characteristics using a ground loop
AC Davis, J Macnae
Geophysics 73 (4), F179-F188, 2008
Why hospital design matters: A narrative review of built environments research relevant to stroke care
J Bernhardt, R Lipson-Smith, A Davis, M White, H Zeeman, N Pitt, ...
International Journal of Stroke 17 (4), 370-377, 2022
Evaluation of infiltration from losing-disconnected rivers using a geophysical characterisation of the riverbed and a simplified infiltration model
RS Crosbie, AR Taylor, AC Davis, S Lamontagne, T Munday
Journal of Hydrology 508, 102-113, 2014
Measuring AEM waveforms with a ground loop
A Davis, J Macnae
Geophysics 73 (6), F213-F222, 2008
Built environments for inpatient stroke rehabilitation services and care: a systematic literature review
R Lipson-Smith, L Pflaumer, M Elf, SM Blaschke, A Davis, M White, ...
BMJ open 11 (8), e050247, 2021
Co-design practices in diet and nutrition research: an integrative review
BSJ Tay, DN Cox, GD Brinkworth, A Davis, SM Edney, I Gwilt, JC Ryan
Nutrients 13 (10), 3593, 2021
First evidence of detecting surface nuclear magnetic resonance signals using a compact B‐field sensor
AC Davis, R Dlugosch, M Queitsch, JC Macnae, R Stolz, M Müller‐Petke
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (12), 4222-4229, 2014
Derivative analysis for layer selection of geophysical borehole logs
AC Davis, NB Christensen
Computers & geosciences 60, 34-40, 2013
Co-creating urban environments to engage citizens in a low-carbon future
A Davis, J Andrew
Procedia engineering 180, 651-657, 2017
Predictions of bird swing from GPS coordinates
A Davis, J Macnae, G Hodges
Geophysics 74 (6), F119-F126, 2009
From rationalism to critical pragmatism: revisiting Arnstein’s ladder of public participation in co-creation and consultation
A Davis, J Andrew
8th State of Australian Cities National Conference, 28-30 November 2017 …, 2018
Co-design of a digital dietary intervention for adults at risk of type 2 diabetes
BSJ Tay, SM Edney, GD Brinkworth, DN Cox, B Wiggins, A Davis, I Gwilt, ...
BMC public health 21, 1-12, 2021
The relative risks to water quality from particulate nitrogen discharged from rivers to the Great Barrier Reef in comparison to other forms of nitrogen
J Brodie, M Burford, A Davis, E da Silva, M Devlin, M Furnas, F Kroon, ...
TropWATER Report 14, 31, 2015
Using the SkyTEM time domain airborne electromagnetics (AEM) system to map aquifer systems and salinity hazard in the Ord Valley, Western Australia
KC Lawrie, KP Tan, JC Clarke, TJ Munday, A Fitzpatrick, RS Brodie, ...
Geoscience Australia Professional Opinion 1, 500, 2010
Quantitative characterisation of airborne electromagnetic systems
A Davis
RMIT University, 2007
BHMAR Project: Data acquisition, processing, analysis and interpretation methods
KC Lawrie, RS Brodie, KP Tan, D Gibson, J Magee, JDA Clarke, L Halas, ...
Geoscience Australia Record 11, 2012
COVID co-design does not* HAVE* to be digital!: Why ‘which platform should we use?’should not be your first question
J Langley, N Wallace, A Davis, I Gwilt, S Knowles, R Partridge, G Wheeler, ...
COVID-19 and Co-production in health and social care research, policy, and …, 2021
Advancing our understanding of the source, management, transport and impacts of pesticides on the Great Barrier Reef
M Devlin, S Lewis, A Davis, R Smith, A Negri, A Thompson, M Poggio
A report for the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage …, 2015
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Articles 1–20