Dieter von Fintel
Cited by
Cited by
Low quality education as a poverty trap
S Van der Berg, C Burger, R Burger, M de Vos, G du Rand, M Gustafsson, ...
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers, 2011
The dynamics of inequality in a newly settled, pre-industrial society: the case of the Cape Colony
J Fourie, D Von Fintel
Cliometrica 4, 229-267, 2010
Rising unemployment in a growing economy: A business cycle, generational and life cycle perspective of post-transition South Africa's labour market
RP Burger, DP Von Fintel
Studies in Economics and Econometrics 38 (1), 35-64, 2014
Settler skills and colonial development: the H uguenot wine‐makers in eighteenth‐century D utch S outh A frica
J Fourie, D Von Fintel
The Economic History Review 67 (4), 932-963, 2014
Examining the impact of WHO’s Focused Antenatal Care policy on early access, underutilisation and quality of antenatal care services in Malawi: a retrospective study
M Mchenga, R Burger, D Von Fintel
BMC health services research 19, 1-14, 2019
Wealth inequality and financial inclusion: Evidence from South African tax and survey records
D Von Fintel, A Orthofer
Economic Modelling 91, 568-578, 2020
Hunger in the former apartheid homelands: determinants of convergence one century after the 1913 land act
D Von Fintel
Agrekon 53 (4), 38-67, 2014
A history with evidence: Income inequality in the Dutch Cape colony
J Fourie, D Von Fintel
Economic History of Developing Regions 26 (1), 16-48, 2011
Dealing with earnings bracket responses in household surveys–how sharp are midpoint imputations?
D Von Fintel
South African Journal of Economics 75 (2), 293-312, 2007
The unintended consequences of education policies on South African participation and unemployment
R Burger, S Van der Berg, D Von Fintel
South African Journal of Economics 83 (1), 74-100, 2015
Migration and gender in South Africa: Following bright lights and the fortunes of others?
D Von Fintel, E Moses
Regional Science Policy & Practice 9 (4), 251-269, 2017
Long-run spatial inequality in South Africa: early settlement patterns and separate development
DP Von Fintel
Studies in Economics and Econometrics 42 (2), 81-102, 2018
Affirmative action policies and the evolution of post-apartheid South Africa's racial wage gap
R Burger, R Jafta, D von Fintel
WIDER Working Paper, 2016
The fruit of the vine? An augmented endowments-inequality hypothesis and the rise of an elite in the Cape Colony
J Fourie, D von Fintel
The role of elites in economic development, 87-119, 2010
Stunting, double orphanhood and unequal access to public services in democratic South Africa
G Bridgman, D von Fintel
Economics & Human Biology 44, 101076, 2022
Intergenerational transfer of health inequalities: exploration of mechanisms in the Birth to Twenty cohort in South Africa
D Von Fintel, L Richter
BMJ Global Health 4 (5), e001828, 2019
Institutional wage-setting, labour demand and labour supply: Causal estimates from a South African pseudo-panel
D Von Fintel
Development Southern Africa 34 (1), 1-16, 2017
The great divergence in South Africa: Population and wealth dynamics over two centuries
D Von Fintel, J Fourie
Journal of Comparative Economics 47 (4), 759-773, 2019
Small-Scale Farming and Food Security: The Enabling Role of Cash Transfers in South Africa's Former Homelands
D von Fintel, L Pienaar
IZA Discussion Paper, 2016
Slave prices and productivity at the Cape of Good Hope from 1700 to 1725: Did everyone win from the trade?
S Du Plessis, A Jansen, D von Fintel
Cliometrica 9 (3), 289-330, 2015
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Articles 1–20