Antoinette Pretorius
Antoinette Pretorius
Department of English, University of South Africa
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Cited by
Cited by
“Why were we crucified into car mechanics?”: Masculine identity in Marlene van Niekerk’s Agaat
A Pretorius
Tydskrif vir letterkunde 51 (1), 29-43, 2014
‘To eke out the vocabulary of old age’: Literary representations of ageing in transitional and post-transitional South Africa
AE Pretorius
PQDT-Global, 2014
Sisters in Crime: Reading June Drummond and Margie Orford
A Pretorius
Scrutiny2 19 (1), 5-17, 2014
Beyond the Allegory: The Grotesque Body and the Limits of Liberation in Marlene Van Niekerk’s Agaat.
A Pretorius
English Studies in Africa 59 (2), 64-77, 2016
Bodily disintegration and successful ageing in Body Bereft by Antjie Krog
A Pretorius
Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 52 (2), 21-32, 2015
‘Does the Girl Think of Nothing but Food?’ Food as a Marker of Unhomeliness, Inauthenticity and Violence in Zoë Wicomb’s October
A Pretorius
Food, Culture & Society 18 (4), 645-657, 2015
“I Become Shameless as a Child”: Childhood, Femininity and Older Age in J.M. Coetzee’s Age of Iron
A Pretorius
Ageing Women in Literature and Visual Culture: Reflections, Refractions …, 2017
Older Age in David Medalie's The Mistress's Dog
A Pretorius
English Academy Review 31 (2), 81-93, 2014
Literary Gerontology Comes of Age: A Poetic Language of Ageing (2023), edited by Olga V. Lehmann and Oddgeir Synnes
A Pretorius
Journal of Literary Studies 40 (1), 1-3, 2024
‘Males and Females the Girl Consumes!’: Food, Desire and Unstable Gender Expression in Zinaid Meeran’s Saracen at the Gates
A Pretorius
Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics 7 …, 2023
Jane Austen and Her Diverse Daughters: Muslim Women Re-reading and Re-writing Pride and Prejudice from South Africa and Beyond
A Bodiat, A Pretorius
Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa 35 (1), 2-12, 2023
White Bread and Whitewashing: Whiteness and Food in Marlene van Niekerk’s Triomf
A Pretorius
Journal of Literary Studies 36 (4), 27-47, 2020
(In)dependent meaning: Representations of addiction and recovery in selected poems produced in a rehabilitation centre
A Pretorius, A Carolin, R Fourie, L Krüger
Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism, Comparative Linguistics and …, 2017
Resensies: Notes from the Lost Property Department
A Pretorius
Tydskrif vir letterkunde 53 (2), 206-208, 2016
Notes from the Lost Property Department, Bridget Pitt
A Pretorius
Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 53 (2), 207-208, 2016
Does the Girl Think of Nothing but Food?
A Pretorius
Food, culture, & society, 2015
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Articles 1–16