Jiehan Zhou
Jiehan Zhou
Shandong University of Science and Technology
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Cited by
Smart home: Integrating internet of things with web services and cloud computing
M Soliman, T Abiodun, T Hamouda, J Zhou, CH Lung
2013 IEEE 5th international conference on cloud computing technology and …, 2013
Cloudthings: A common architecture for integrating the internet of things with cloud computing
J Zhou, T Leppanen, E Harjula, M Ylianttila, T Ojala, C Yu, H Jin, LT Yang
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 17th international conference on computer …, 2013
5G-smart diabetes: Toward personalized diabetes diagnosis with healthcare big data clouds
M Chen, J Yang, J Zhou, Y Hao, J Zhang, CH Youn
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (4), 16-23, 2018
Emotion recognition from Chinese speech for smart affective services using a combination of SVM and DBN
L Zhu, L Chen, D Zhao, J Zhou, W Zhang
Sensors 17 (7), 1694, 2017
LSTM-based analysis of industrial IoT equipment
W Zhang, W Guo, X Liu, Y Liu, J Zhou, B Li, Q Lu, S Yang
IEEE Access 6, 23551-23560, 2018
Multi-source data fusion using deep learning for smart refrigerators
W Zhang, Y Zhang, J Zhai, D Zhao, L Xu, J Zhou, Z Li, S Yang
Computers in Industry 95, 15-21, 2018
Context-aware pervasive service composition and its implementation
J Zhou, E Gilman, J Palola, J Riekki, M Ylianttila, J Sun
Personal and ubiquitous computing 15, 291-303, 2011
RCNN-based foreign object detection for securing power transmission lines (RCNN4SPTL)
W Zhang, X Liu, J Yuan, L Xu, H Sun, J Zhou, X Liu
Procedia computer science 147, 331-337, 2019
A survey on federated learning and its applications for accelerating industrial internet of things
J Zhou, S Zhang, Q Lu, W Dai, M Chen, X Liu, S Pirttikangas, Y Shi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.10501, 2021
Cloud architecture for dynamic service composition
J Zhou, K Athukorala, E Gilman, J Riekki, M Ylianttila
International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) 4 (2 …, 2012
Dependency-aware service oriented architecture and service composition
J Zhou, D Pakkala, J Riekki, M Ylianttila
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), 1146-1149, 2007
Attribute mapping and autoencoder neural network based matrix factorization initialization for recommendation systems
J Zhao, X Geng, J Zhou, Q Sun, Y Xiao, Z Zhang, Z Fu
Knowledge-Based Systems 166, 132-139, 2019
Pervasive social computing: augmenting five facets of human intelligence
J Zhou, J Sun, K Athukorala, D Wijekoon, M Ylianttila
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 3, 153-166, 2012
AmE framework: A model for emotion-aware ambient intelligence
J Zhou, C Yu, J Riekki, E Kärkkäinen
The Second International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2007
Manufacturing ontology analysis and design: towards excellent manufacturing
J Zhou, R Dieng-Kuntz
2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2004. INDIN'04 …, 2004
Energy efficient task scheduling in mobile cloud computing
D Yao, C Yu, H Jin, J Zhou
Network and Parallel Computing: 10th IFIP International Conference, NPC 2013 …, 2013
Parallel-education-blockchain driven smart education: Challenges and issues
X Gong, X Liu, S Jing, G Xiong, J Zhou
2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2390-2395, 2018
Digital television for mobile devices
J Zhou, Z Ou, M Rautiainen, T Koskela, M Ylianttila
IEEE multimedia 16 (01), 60-71, 2009
A class-imbalanced heterogeneous federated learning model for detecting icing on wind turbine blades
X Cheng, F Shi, Y Liu, J Zhou, X Liu, L Huang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (12), 8487-8497, 2022
A novel ship classification approach for high resolution SAR images based on the BDA-KELM classification model
J Wu, Y Zhu, Z Wang, Z Song, X Liu, W Wang, Z Zhang, Y Yu, Z Xu, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (23), 6457-6476, 2017
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