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Small area model-based estimators using big data sources
S Marchetti, C Giusti, M Pratesi, N Salvati, F Giannotti, D Pedreschi, ...
Journal of Official Statistics 31 (2), 263-281, 2015
Determinants of contraceptive use in Egypt: a multilevel approach
C Giusti, D Vignoli
Statistical Methods and Applications 15, 89-106, 2006
Local comparisons of small area estimates of poverty: an application within the tuscany region in Italy
C Giusti, L Masserini, M Pratesi
Social Indicators Research 131, 235-254, 2017
Robust small area estimation and oversampling in the estimation of poverty indicators
C Giusti, S Marchetti, M Pratesi, N Salvati
Survey Research Methods 6 (3), 155-163, 2012
An analysis of nonignorable nonresponse to income in a survey with a rotating panel design
C Giusti, L Rja
Journal of Official Statistics 27 (2), 211-229, 2011
Spatial distribution of multidimensional educational poverty in Italy using small area estimation
M Pratesi, L Quattrociocchi, G Bertarelli, A Gemignani, C Giusti
Social Indicators Research 156, 563-586, 2021
Semiparametric Fay-Herriot model using penalized splines
C Giusti, S Marchetti, M Pratesi, N Salvati
Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 66 (1), 1-14, 2012
Gender and Children’s wellbeing: Four Mediterranean countries in perspective
A D’Agostino, C Giusti, A Potsi
Child Indicators Research 11, 1649-1676, 2018
Childhood and capability deprivation in Italy: a multidimensional and fuzzy set approach
A Potsi, A D’Agostino, C Giusti, L Porciani
Quality & Quantity 50, 2571-2590, 2016
Resistance to outliers of M-quantile and robust random effects small area models
C Giusti, N Tzavidis, M Pratesi, N Salvati
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 43 (3), 549-568, 2014
The use of Twitter data to improve small area estimates of households’ share of food consumption expenditure in Italy
S Marchetti, C Giusti, M Pratesi
AStA. Wirtschafts-und sozialstatistisches Archiv, 1-15, 2016
Mapping average equivalized income using robust small area methods
E Fabrizi, C Giusti, N Salvati, N Tzavidis
Papers in Regional Science 93 (3), 685-702, 2014
Does uncertainty in single indicators affect the reliability of composite indexes? An application to the measurement of environmental performances of Italian regions
V Mauro, C Giusti, S Marchetti, M Pratesi
Ecological Indicators 127, 107740, 2021
Investigating the impact of the economic crisis on children's wellbeing in four European countries
A D'Agostino, F Gagliardi, C Giusti, A Potsi
Social science research 84, 102322, 2019
14 The use of spatial information for the estimation of poverty indicators at the small area level
N Salvati, C Giusti, M Pratesi
Poverty and social exclusion: New methods of analysis, 261, 2013
Small area estimation of poverty indicators
M Pratesi, C Giusti, S Marchetti
Survey data collection and integration, 89-101, 2012
L’abbandono degli studi universitari
B Chiandotto, C Giusti
Modelli statistici per l’analisi della transizione università-lavoro, 1-22, 2005
The integrated fuzzy and relative index for poverty analysis: a review of applications in the social sciences
G Betti, A D’Agostino, F Gagliardi, C Giusti
Studies of Applied Economics 38 (1), 2020
Small area methods and administrative data integration
LC Zhang, C Giusti
Analysis of poverty data by small area estimation, 61-82, 2016
Poverty indicators at local level: Definitions, comparisons in real terms and small area estimation methods
L Biggeri, C Giusti, M Pratesi, S Marchetti
Statistics and Applications 16 (1), 351-364, 2018
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Articles 1–20