Cornie Scheffer
Cornie Scheffer
Stellenbosch , Pretoria
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Cited by
Development of a tool wear-monitoring system for hard turning
C Scheffer, H Kratz, PS Heyns, F Klocke
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 43 (10), 973-985, 2003
Wear monitoring in turning operations using vibration and strain measurements
C Scheffer, PS Heyns
Mechanical systems and signal processing 15 (6), 1185-1202, 2001
Benchmarking of a full-body inertial motion capture system for clinical gait analysis
T Cloete, C Scheffer
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
An industrial tool wear monitoring system for interrupted turning
C Scheffer, PS Heyns
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 18 (5), 1219-1242, 2004
Microstructure and mechanical properties of direct metal laser sintered Ti-6Al-4V d article
TH Becker, C Scheffer, M Beck
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 26 (1), 1-10, 2015
Recurrence quantification analysis of resting state EEG signals in autism spectrum disorder–a systematic methodological exploration of technical and demographic confounders in …
T Heunis, C Aldrich, JM Peters, SS Jeste, M Sahin, C Scheffer, ...
BMC medicine 16, 1-17, 2018
Application of finite element analysis to the design of tissue leaflets for a percutaneous aortic valve
AN Smuts, DC Blaine, C Scheffer, H Weich, AF Doubell, KH Dellimore
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 4 (1), 85-98, 2011
Usability and feasibility of PIERS on the move: an mHealth app for pre-eclampsia triage
J Lim, G Cloete, DT Dunsmuir, BA Payne, C Scheffer, P von Dadelszen, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 3 (2), e3942, 2015
Tactile sensing using force sensing resistors and a super-resolution algorithm
DJ van den Heever, K Schreve, C Scheffer
IEEE Sensors Journal 9 (1), 29-35, 2008
Repeatability of an off-the-shelf, full body inertial motion capture system during clinical gait analysis
T Cloete, C Scheffer
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Contact stresses in a patient-specific unicompartmental knee replacement
DJ Van den Heever, C Scheffer, P Erasmus, E Dillon
Clinical Biomechanics 26 (2), 159-166, 2011
Reducing subsidence risk by using rapid manufactured patient-specific intervertebral disc implants
N de Beer, C Scheffer
The Spine Journal 12 (11), 1060-1066, 2012
Estimation of respiratory rate from photoplethysmographic imaging videos compared to pulse oximetry
W Karlen, A Garde, D Myers, C Scheffer, JM Ansermino, GA Dumont
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (4), 1331-1338, 2015
Global engineering teams–a programme promoting teamwork in engineering design and manufacturing
MT Oladiran, J Uziak, M Eisenberg, C Scheffer
European Journal of Engineering Education 36 (2), 173-186, 2011
Differential forces within the proximal patellar tendon as an explanation for the characteristic lesion of patellar tendinopathy: an in vivo descriptive experimental study
EM Dillon, PJ Erasmus, JH Müller, C Scheffer, RVP de Villiers
The American journal of sports medicine 36 (11), 2119-2127, 2008
A comparative evaluation of neural networks and hidden Markov models for monitoring turning tool wear
C Scheffer, H Engelbrecht, PS Heyns
Neural Computing & Applications 14, 325-336, 2005
Design challenges for camera oximetry on a mobile phone
W Karlen, J Lim, JM Ansermino, G Dumont, C Scheffer
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
The impact of backboard size and orientation on sternum-to-spine compression depth and compression stiffness in a manikin study of CPR using two mattress types
G Cloete, KH Dellimore, C Scheffer, MS Smuts, LA Wallis
Resuscitation 82 (8), 1064-1070, 2011
A novel complimentary filter for tracking hip angles during cycling using wireless inertial sensors and dynamic acceleration estimation
J Cockcroft, JH Muller, C Scheffer
IEEE Sensors Journal 14 (8), 2864-2871, 2014
Anatomical study of the radius and center of curvature of the distal femoral condyle
J Kosel, I Giouroudi, C Scheffer, E Dillon, P Erasmus
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Articles 1–20