Manilall Dhurup
Manilall Dhurup
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The impact of packaging, price and brand awareness on brand loyalty: Evidence from the paint retailing industry
M Dhurup, C Mafini, T Dumasi
Acta Commercii 14 (1), 1-9, 2014
Strategic planning and its relationship with business performance among small and medium enterprises in South Africa
M Sandada, D Pooe, M Dhurup
The International Business & Economics Research Journal (Online) 13 (3), 659, 2014
Finding synergic relationships in teamwork, organizational commitment and job satisfaction: a case study of a construction organization in a developing country
M Dhurup, J Surujlal, DM Kabongo
Procedia Economics and Finance 35, 485-492, 2016
The influence of the quality of working life on employee job satisfaction, job commitment and tenure intention in the SME sector in Zimbabwe
R Chinomona, M Dhurup
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 17 (4), 363-378, 2014
Impulsive fashion apparel consumption: the role of hedonism, fashion involvement and emotional gratification in fashion apparel impulsive buying behaviour in a developing country
M Dhurup
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5 (8), 168-177, 2014
Athlete preference of coach's leadership style management
J Surujlal, M Dhurup
African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance 18 (1 …, 2012
Customer service quality at commercial health and fitness centres
M Dhurup, PC Singh, J Surujlal
South African journal for research in sport, physical education and …, 2006
Generation Y consumer shopping styles: evidence from South Africa
L Mandhlazi, M Dhurup, C Mafini
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 4 (14), 153-164, 2013
Self-efficacy and its relationship with satisfaction with life and happiness among university students
Y van Zyl, M Dhurup
Journal of Psychology in Africa 28 (5), 389-393, 2018
Exploring wellness practices and barriers: A qualitative study of university student-athletes: Physical activity, health and wellness
CJ Van Rensburg, J Surujlal, M Dhurup
African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance 17 (2 …, 2011
Customer perceptions of online banking service quality and its relationship with customer satisfaction and loyalty
M Dhurup, J Surujlal, E Redda
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5, 2014
The relationship between stadium sportscapes dimensions, desire to stay and future attendance.
M Dhurup, MA Mofoka, J Surujlal
African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation & Dance 16 (3), 2010
Determinants of, and barriers to, market orientation and the relationship with business performance among SMES
J Dubihlela, MR Dhurup
Journal of Applied Business Research 31 (5), 1667, 2015
Drivers of customer loyalty in South African retail stores
C Mafini, M Dhurup
Journal of Applied Business Research 31 (4), 1295, 2015
Establishing and maintaining customer relationships in commercial health and fitness centers in South Africa
J Surujlal, M Dhurup
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 3 (1), 14, 2012
A generation X cohort analysis of E-shoppers: Satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase intentions in a developing country
XD Chauke, M Dhurup
Journal of Social Sciences 52 (1-3), 145-154, 2017
Black generation Y students' perceptions of national sport celebrity endorsers as role models management
AL Bevan-Dye, M Dhurup, J Surujlal
African journal for physical health education, recreation and dance 9 (sup-1 …, 2009
Volunteers' perceptions of benefits derived from volunteering: an empirical study
J Surujlal, M Dhurup
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and …, 2008
Does employee perceptions of fit to job, fit to organisation and fit to community influence job performance? The case of Zimbabwe's manufacturing sector
R Chinomona, M Dhurup, E Chinomona
SA Journal of Human Resource Management 11 (1), 1-10, 2013
A dimensional analysis of the benefits derived from physical activity participation among university students and variation in terms of gender
M Dhurup
African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance 18 (3 …, 2012
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Articles 1–20