Jean-Pierre Muller
Cited by
Cited by
Influences and reaction: a model of situated multiagent systems
J Ferber, JP Müller
Proceedings of second international conference on multi-agent systems (ICMAS …, 1996
Decentralized Ai
Y Demazeau, JP Müller
Elsevier, 1990
Formal specification and prototyping of multi-agent systems
V Hilaire, A Koukam, P Gruer, JP Müller
Engineering Societies in the Agents World: First International Workshop …, 2000
Organization models and behavioural requirements specification for multi-agent systems
J Ferber, O Gutknecht, CM Jonker, JP Muller, J Treur
Proceedings Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems, 387-388, 2000
Emergence of collective behaviour and problem solving
JP Müller
International workshop on engineering societies in the agents world, 1-20, 2003
Ontology, a mediator for agent-based modeling in social science
P Livet, JP Müller, D Phan, L Sanders, T Auatabu
Simulation modelling of ecological hierarchies in constructive dynamical systems
C Ratzé, F Gillet, JP Müller, K Stoffel
Ecological complexity 4 (1-2), 13-25, 2007
From reactive to intentional agents
Y Demazeau, JP Müller
Decentralized AI 2, 3-10, 1991
Impacts of AKST on development and sustainability goals
P Caron, P Craufurd, A Martin, A Mc Donald, W Abedini, S Afiff, N Bakurin, ...
Island Press, 2009
Towards a formal semantics of event-based multi-agent simulations
JP Müller
International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Agent-Based Simulation …, 2008
Emergent human behaviour during a disaster: Thematic versus complex systems approaches
D Provitolo, E Dubos-Paillard, JP Müller
An iterative construction of multi-agent models to represent water supply and demand dynamics at the catchment level
S Farolfi, JP Müller, B Bonté
Environmental modelling & software 25 (10), 1130-1148, 2010
Emergence in multi-agent systems: conceptual and methodological issues
JL Dessalles, JP Müller, D Phan
Agent Based Modelling and Simulations in the Human and Social Siences, 327-356, 2007
Visions de la complexité. Le démon de Laplace dans tous ses états
G Deffuant, A Banos, D Chavalarias, C Bertelle, N Brodu, P Jensen, ...
Natures Sciences Sociétés 23 (1), 42-53, 2015
An introduction to UML for modeling in the human and social sciences
JP Müller, P Bommel
Agent-based modelling and simulation in the social and human sciences, 273-294, 2007
Modélisation et simulation multi-agent
F Bousquet, C Le Page, JP Müller
deuxiemes assises du GDRI3, 26, 2002
MOCA: Un modele componentiel dynamique pour les systemes multi-agents organisationnels
M Amiguet
Université de Neuchâtel, 2003
Des systèmes autonomes aux systèmes multi-agents: Interaction, émergence et systèmes complexes
JP Müller
UM2, 2002
CaTMAS: A multi-agent model for simulating the dynamics of carbon resources of West African villages
M Belem, RJ Manlay, JP Müller, JL Chotte
Ecological Modelling 222 (20-22), 3651-3661, 2011
The mimosa generic modelling and simulation platform: The case of multi-agent systems
JP Müller
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Articles 1–20