Olli-Pekka Malinen
Cited by
Cited by
Understanding teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy in inclusive education: Implications for pre-service and in-service teacher education
H Savolainen, P Engelbrecht, M Nel, OP Malinen
European journal of special needs education 27 (1), 51-68, 2012
The effect of perceived school climate and teacher efficacy in behavior management on job satisfaction and burnout: A longitudinal study
OP Malinen, H Savolainen
Teaching and teacher education 60, 144-152, 2016
Exploring teacher self-efficacy for inclusive practices in three diverse countries
OP Malinen, H Savolainen, P Engelbrecht, J Xu, M Nel, N Nel, D Tlale
Teaching and Teacher Education 33, 34-44, 2013
Beijing in-service teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes towards inclusive education
OP Malinen, H Savolainen, J Xu
Teaching and Teacher Education 28 (4), 526-534, 2012
Teacher efficacy predicts teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion–a longitudinal cross-lagged analysis
H Savolainen, OP Malinen, S Schwab
International journal of inclusive education 26 (9), 958-972, 2022
Teacher education in Finland: a review of a national effort for preparing teachers for the future
OP Malinen, P Väisänen, H Savolainen
Curriculum Journal 23 (4), 567-584, 2012
Teachers' self-efficacy and the sources of efficacy: A cross-cultural investigation in Japan and Finland
A Yada, A Tolvanen, OP Malinen, K Imai-Matsumura, H Shimada, R Koike, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 81, 13-24, 2019
How cultural histories shape South African and Finnish teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education: a comparative analysis
P Engelbrecht, H Savolainen, M Nel, OP Malinen
European Journal of Special Needs Education 28 (3), 305-318, 2013
Inclusion in the East: Chinese Students' Attitudes towards Inclusive Education.
OP Malinen, H Savolainen
International Journal of Special Education 23 (3), 101-109, 2008
Näkökulmia yhteisopettajuuteen
OP Malinen, I Palmu
NMI-bulletin 27 (3), 40-50, 2017
Inclusive education from teachers' perspective: Examining pre-and in-service teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes in Mainland China
OP Malinen
Itä-Suomen yliopisto, 2013
Exploring the role of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education, their self-efficacy, and collective efficacy in behaviour management in teacher behaviour
I Gülsün, OP Malinen, A Yada, H Savolainen
Teaching and Teacher Education 132, 104228, 2023
Dimensions of teacher self-efficacy for inclusive practices among mainland Chinese pre-service teachers
OP Malinen, H Savolainen, J Xu
Journal of International Special Needs Education 16 (2), 82-93, 2013
Inklusiivisen opetuksen kansainvälinen ja vertaileva tutkimus
OP Malinen, H Savolainen, P Engelbrecht, J Xu
Kasvatus 41 (4), 351-362, 2010
Teacher Views of Support for Inclusive Education in Beijing, China.
X Xu, OP Malinen
International journal of special education 30 (3), 150-159, 2015
OP Malinen, I Palmu
Tavoitteena yhteisopettajuus: näkökulmia ja toimintamalleja onnistuneeseen …, 2017
Tavoitteena yhteisopettajuus: näkökulmia ja toimintamalleja onnistuneeseen yhdessä opettamiseen
OP Malinen, I Palmu
Niilo Mäki Instituutti, 2017
The directions of Finnish teacher education in the era of the revised act on basic education
OP Malinen, H Savolainen
Future directions for inclusive teacher education, 52-60, 2012
Pedagogiset menetelmät yhteisopetusluokassa
I Palmu, J Kontinen, OP Malinen
Tavoitteena yhteisopettajuus: näkökulmia ja toimintamalleja onnistuneeseen …, 2017
Yhteisopetusta tukevat rakenteet
J Pulkkinen, R Ahtiainen, OP Malinen
Tavoitteena yhteisopettajuus: näkökulmia ja toimintamalleja onnistuneeseen …, 2017
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Articles 1–20