Anna-Marie Jansen van Vuuren
Anna-Marie Jansen van Vuuren
Film programme, Faculty of the Arts, Tshwane University of Technology
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Cited by
From ‘Cavalier’ to ‘Traitor’: Unmasking the Hero in Two Anglo-Boer War Feature Films
AM Jansen van Vuuren
Not Ever Absent: Storytelling in Arts, Culture and Identity Formation, 57-66, 2015
Van Kavalier tot Verraaier Zombie tot Legoman: mites en die ideologiese uitbeelding van die held in geselekteerde rolprente en dramareekse oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog
AM Jansen van Vuuren
University of Pretoria, 2015
From rural naïveté to urban discontent: Framing post-apartheid South African film identities
AM Jansen van Vuuren, W Verster
Journal of African Cinemas 10 (1-2), 111-129, 2018
The susceptibility of the South African Media to be used as a tool for information warfare.
AM Jansen van Vuuren, J Jansen van Vuuren, S Venter
The Institute Ecole Supérieure en Informatique Electronique et Automatique …, 2012
Proving It Is the Data That Is Biased, Not the Algorithm Through a Recent South African Online Case Study
AM Jansen van Vuuren, L Leenen
Journal of Information warfare 19 (3), 118-129, 2020
Fake narratives, dominant discourses: The role and influence of algorithms on the online South African land reform debate
AM Jansen Van Vuuren, T Celik
ICCWS 2019 14th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security …, 2019
From Zombies to Mythical Sangomas: Redefining the myth of the Boer Hero in Anglo-Boer War Short Films
A Jansen van Vuuren
CINECRI 2015: Representation of Identities in Film Studies, 2015
Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
JCJ Van Vuuren, AJ Van Vuuren
Journal of Information Warfare 21 (1), 71-90, 2022
Public Intellectuals in South Africa: Critical Voices from the Past
R du Plessis, C Hamilton, C Broodryk, K Chale, LM Dondolo, R du Plessis, ...
Wits University Press, 2021
Cybersecurity and cybercrime combatting culture for african police services
L Leenen, J Jansen van Vuuren, AM Jansen van Vuuren
IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, 248-261, 2020
Penetrating Trauma: Representing Rape in the Historical Drama Series Feast of the Uninvited
AM Jansen van Vuuren
Communicatio 44 (4), 73-87, 2018
Don’t be Caught Unaware: A Ransomware Primer with a Specific Focus on Africa
J Jansen van Vuuren, L Leenen, AM Jansen van Vuuren
IFIP International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, 115-131, 2022
Reframing South African Cinema History: Modernity, the New Africa Movement and Beyond
KG Tomaselli, AM Jansen van Vuuren
Reframing Africa? Reflections on Modernity and the Moving Image, 2022
‘Kaalgat Critique’: The public intellectualism of Koos Roets as Afrikaans satirist
AM Jansen van Vuuren
Public Intellectuals in South Africa: Critical voices from the past, 158, 2021
(Re) constructing the heroic narrative in four South African Anglo Boer War Films
AM Jansen van Vuuren
Stilet: Tydskrif van die Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging 33 (1), 31-51, 2021
Tying a (rain) bow at the end: Controversial representations of Krotoa from text to film
SB Barnabas, AM Jansen van Vuuren
Journal of African Cinemas 12 (1), 31-45, 2020
Using Cyber Applications Towards Positive Psychology Interventions in Africa
C Van ‘t Wout, J Jansen van Vuuren, AM Jansen van Vuuren
Human-Centric Computing in a Data-Driven Society: 14th IFIP TC 9 …, 2020
“Journalism ideology” and its influence on the producers of Radio Sonder Grense radio current affairs
AM Jansen van Vuuren
Communicatio 43 (2), 1-17, 2017
Afrikaans in Film: From Apartheid Propaganda to Cultural Preservation
AM Jansen van Vuuren, A Velthuysen
Mise au point. Cahiers de l’association française des enseignants et …, 2024
The Viability of Online Distribution for South African Feature Films
B Mfolo, AM Jansen van Vuuren
The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2022, 2022
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Articles 1–20