Vanessa A. Baird
Vanessa A. Baird
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Colorado, Boulder
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On the legitimacy of national high courts
JL Gibson, GA Caldeira, VA Baird
American Political Science Review 92 (2), 343-358, 1998
Shattering the myth of legality: The impact of the media's framing of Supreme Court procedures on perceptions of fairness
VA Baird, A Gangl
Political Psychology 27 (4), 597-614, 2006
Building institutional legitiimacy: The role of procedural justice
VA Baird
Political Research Quarterly 54 (2), 333-354, 2001
The effect of politically salient decisions on the US Supreme Court's agenda
VA Baird
The Journal of Politics 66 (3), 755-772, 2004
Answering the call of the court: How justices and litigants set the Supreme Court agenda
VA Baird
University of Virginia Press, 2007
How the dissent becomes the majority: using federalism to transform coalitions in the US Supreme Court
V Baird, T Jacobi
Duke Law Journal, 183-238, 2009
Judicial agenda setting through signaling and strategic litigant responses
V Baird, T Jacobi
Wash. UJL & Pol'y 29, 215, 2009
Taking a step back: Teaching critical thinking by distinguishing appropriate types of evidence
J Fitzgerald, VA Baird
PS: Political Science & Politics 44 (3), 619-624, 2011
The persuasive power of Russian courts
VA Baird, D Javeline
Political Research Quarterly 60 (3), 429-442, 2007
Linguistic recognition as a source of confidence in the justice system
AH Liu, VA Baird
Comparative Political Studies 45 (10), 1203-1229, 2012
Who Sues Government?: Evidence from the Moscow Theater Hostage Case
D Javeline, V Baird
Comparative Political Studies 40 (7), 858-885, 2007
Of time and causality: A simple test of the requirement of social capital in making democracy work in Italy
LM McLaren, VA Baird
Political Studies 54 (4), 889-897, 2006
The effects of national and local funding on judicial performance: Perceptions of Russia's lawyers
VA Baird, D Javeline
Law & society review 44 (2), 331-364, 2010
The Supreme Court’s Influence in the System of Separated Powers
VA Baird, MS Hurwitz
Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 2002
Why some blame politics for their personal problems
V Baird, J Wolak
American Politics Research 49 (5), 478-489, 2021
The surprisingly nonviolent aftermath of the Beslan school hostage taking
D Javeline, VA Baird
Problems of post-communism 58 (4-5), 3-22, 2011
Influences on Supreme Court Decision Making
V Baird
University of Colorado at Boulder, 1-14, 2001
Profit, Political Context and Judicial Power: Why the Supreme Court Cannot Make Liberal Economic Policy
VA Baird
Annual Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, 2001
On the Legitimacy of National High Courts
GL James, GL Caldeira, VA Baird
The American Political Science Review 92 (2), 343-358, 1998
Institutional persuasion to support minority rights in Russia
D Javeline, VA Baird
Demokratizatsiya 21 (1), 33, 2013
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Articles 1–20