Mohammed  Lamine  Bendjeddou
Mohammed Lamine Bendjeddou
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Cited by
East and west separation of Rhipicephalus sanguineus mitochondrial lineages in the Mediterranean Basin
S Hornok, AD Sándor, S Tomanović, R Beck, G D’Amico, J Kontschán, ...
Parasites & vectors 10, 1-11, 2017
Bat ectoparasites (Nycteribiidae, Streblidae, Siphonaptera, Heteroptera, Mesostigmata, Argasidae, and Ixodidae) from Algeria
ML Bendjeddou, HA Loumassine, I Scheffler, Z Bouslama, Z Amr
Journal of Vector Ecology 42 (1), 13-23, 2017
Preliminary report of mosquitoes survey at Tonga lake (North-east Algeria)
R Amara Korba, S Boukraa, MS Alayat, ML Bendjeddou, F Francis, ...
Advances in Environmental Biology 9 (27), 2016
How arid environments affect spatial and temporal activity of bats
HE Loumassine, N Bonnot, B Allegrini, ML Bendjeddou, F Bounaceur, ...
Journal of arid environments 180, 104206, 2020
New records of arthropod ectoparasites of bats from north-eastern Algeria
ML Bendjeddou, I Bitam, A Abiadh, Z Bouslama, ZS Amr
Jordan J Biol Sci 6, 324-327, 2013
A new locality for Tadarida teniotis (Rafinesque, 1814)(Mammalia, Chiroptera, Molossidae) in Algeria
ML Bendjeddou, B Bakhouche, Z Bouslama
Natura rerum 3, 37-39, 2014
Infestation and seasonal activity of Ixodes vespertilionis Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae) on the Maghreb mouse‐eared bat, Myotis punicus Felten, 1977, in …
ML Bendjeddou, Z Bouslama, ZS Amr, R BaniHani
Journal of Vector Ecology 41 (1), 110-113, 2016
First photographed record of the naked‐rumped tomb bat, Taphozous nudiventris Cretzschmar, 1830 (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae), in the Grand Maghreb.
ML Bendjeddou, I Bouam, F Khelfaoui
African Journal of Ecology 58 (4), 2020
First record of Nyctinomus aegyptiacus for Tunisia
ZBCD Mohammed Lamine Bendjeddou, Hibat Ellah Loumassine, Wassim Metallaoui ...
Vespertilio 18 (23-27), 2016
Roost characteristics of maghrebian mouse-eared bats Myotis punicus (Chiroptera, Vespertillionidae) in northeastern Algeria Hystrix
ML Bendjeddou, E Berkane, A Abiadh, D Scaravelli, Z Bouslama
Hystrix, n. s 25, 26, 2014
First record of the lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros (Borkhausen, 1797), in Libya and potential distribution in North Africa
ML Bendjeddou, I Bouam, S Aulagnier, SE Abdelaziz, K Etayeb, ...
Mammalia 86 (4), 328-332, 2022
Bats of the El Kala Biosphere Reserve, northeastern Algeria (Chiroptera)
A Farfar, ML Bendjeddou, Z Bouslama, W Metallaoui, RA Korba, Z Amr, ...
Lynx 48, 79-92, 2017
On Bat Ectoparasites (Nycteribiidae, Streblidae, Siphonaptera, Mesostigmata And Ixodidae) From Chrea National Park (Central Atlas Mountains) Algeria
D Bendjoudi, W Yedou, A Beneldjouzi, N Mechouk, ML Bendjeddou
Bull Soc Zool Fr 144, 67-76, 2019
Molecular evidence of Borrelia lusitaniae from questing Ixodes ticks in Algeria
N Mechouk, AM Ionică, CD Cazan, G Deak, M Boucheikhchoukh, ...
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 101062, 2024
Bat Ectoparasites (Acari, Diptera, Hemiptera, Siphonaptera) in the Grand Maghreb (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia): A Literature Review and New Data
ML Bendjeddou, F Khelfaoui, A Abiadh, N Mechouk, AD Mihalca, ...
Acta Parasitologica, 1-15, 2023
New Records of Arthropod Ectoparasites of Bats from North-Eastern Algeria\Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences.-2013, Vol. 6, No. 4, Pp. 324-327
ML Bendjeddou, I Bitam, A Abiadh
Hashemite University, 2013
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Articles 1–16