John Midgley
John Midgley
KwaZulu-Natal Museum
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Contemporary precision, bias and accuracy of minimum post-mortem intervals estimated using development of carrion-feeding insects
MH Villet, CS Richards, JM Midgley
Current concepts in forensic entomology, 109-137, 2010
The utility of Coleoptera in forensic investigations
JM Midgley, CS Richards, MH Villet
Current concepts in forensic entomology, 57-68, 2010
Development of Thanatophilus micans (Fabricius 1794) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) at constant temperatures
JM Midgley, MH Villet
International Journal of Legal Medicine 123, 285-292, 2009
The effect of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) SolmsLaubach (Pontederiaceae), on benthic biodiversity in two impoundments on the New Year's River, South Africa
JM Midgley, MP Hill, MH Villet
African Journal of Aquatic Science 31 (1), 25-30, 2006
Advantages of using development models of the carrion beetles Thanatophilus micans (Fabricius) and T. mutilatus (Castelneau) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) for …
JA Ridgeway, JM Midgley, IJ Collett, MH Villet
International journal of legal medicine 128, 207-220, 2014
Effect of the killing method on post-mortem change in length of larvae of Thanatophilus micans (Fabricius 1794) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) stored in 70% ethanol
JM Midgley, MH Villet
International Journal of Legal Medicine 123, 103-108, 2009
Current concepts in forensic entomology
MH Villet, CS Richards, JM Midgley, J Amendt, CP Campobasso, ML Goff, ...
Heidelberg: Springer, 2010
Successful identification of the final instar nymph of Quintilia carinata (Thunberg) (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) by DNA extraction from the exuvium
N Bouwer, JM Midgley, AE Timm, MH Villet
Journal of Natural History 48 (15-16), 937-943, 2014
Determination of species and instars of the larvae of the Afrotropical species of Thanatophilus Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera, Silphidae)(vol 58, pg 1, 2017)
CA Daniel, JM Midgley, MH Villet
AFRICAN INVERTEBRATES 58 (2), 53-53, 2017
The distribution, habitat, diet and forensic significance of the scarab Frankenbergerius forcipatus (Harold, 1881) (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae)
JM Midgley, IJ Collett, MH Villet
African Invertebrates 53 (2), 745-749, 2012
Intermediate disturbance promotes diversity and the conservation of dung beetles (Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeidae and Aphodiidae) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
C Tocco, JM Midgley, MH Villet
Basic and Applied Ecology 49, 45-56, 2020
Optimising design and effort for environmental surveys using dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
C Tocco, DEA Quinn, JM Midgley, MH Villet
The Canadian Entomologist 149 (2), 214-226, 2017
The first record of Omosita nearctica Kirejtshuk (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) in South Africa, with the first description of its mature larva
KA Williams, CL Clitheroe, MH Villet, JM Midgley
African Invertebrates 62 (1), 257-271, 2021
Key long-proboscid fly pollinator overlooked: morphological and molecular analyses reveal a new Prosoeca (Nemestrinidae) species
GL Theron, F Grenier, BC Anderson, AG Ellis, SD Johnson, JM Midgley, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131 (1), 26-38, 2020
The Diptera of Lesotho: a history of collecting in the Mountain Kingdom, summary of recent collecting sites and introduction to the topical collection in African Invertebrates
JM Midgley, BS Muller, GL Theron, M Phoofolo, TA Bellingan, K Jordaens
African Invertebrates 64 (3), 207-220, 2023
Metrological framework for selecting morphological characters to identify species and estimate developmental maturity of forensically significant insect specimens
JM Midgley, MH Villet
Forensic Sciences Research 6 (1), 75-83, 2021
Current concepts in forensic entomology
JM Midgley, CS Richards, MH Villet, J Amendt, CP Campobasso, ML Goff, ...
The distribution of offshore benthic molluscs provides new insight into South Africa's marine biogeography
ER Heyns-Veale, ATF Bernard, JM Midgley, DG Herbert
Ocean & Coastal Management 217, 106001, 2022
New collection records for Theraphosidae (Araneae, Mygalomorphae) in Angola, with the description of a remarkable new species of Ceratogyrus
JM Midgley, I Engelbrecht
African Invertebrates 60 (1), 1-13, 2019
Aspects of the thermal ecology of six species of carcass beetles in South Africa
JM Midgley
Rhodes University, 2007
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Articles 1–20