Frank Makoza
Cited by
Cited by
The level of e‑Government implementation: Case of Malawi
F Makoza
The Electronic Journal of e-Government 11 (1), 267-278, 2013
The livelihood outcomes of ICT use in microenterprises: The case of South Africa
F Makoza, W Chigona
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 53 (1 …, 2012
Cloud computing adoption in Higher Education Institutions of Malawi: An exploratory study
F Makoza
International Journal of Computing and ICT Research 19 (2), 37-54, 2016
Power relations among stakeholders in the implementation of National ICT Policy: Case of Malawi
F Makoza
The outcomes of ICT diffusion and human development in Malawi
F Makoza, W Chigona
International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human …, 2012
Review of challenges in national ICT policy process for African countries
F Makoza, W Chigona
2013 Proceedings of ITU Kaleidoscope: Building Sustainable Communities, 1-7, 2013
How gender is embedded in the national ICT policy of Malawi
F Makoza, W Chigona
Proceedings for CPRsouth8/CPRafrica 2013 Conference, Mysore, India, 1-20, 2013
Accessibility of e-Government websites: case of Malawi
F Makoza, W Chigona
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications …, 2013
Exploring the state of Internet banking in Malawi
F Makoza
International Journal of Electronic Banking 4 (1), 45-64, 2023
Rhizomatic learning and use of Mobile instant messaging platforms: Case of University of Technology in South Africa
F Makoza, L Bagui
International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning 12 (1), 1-17, 2022
How and Why: A decade of national ICT policy formulation in Malawi–A historical analysis
F Makoza
International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human …, 2019
Analysing Barriers in the Implementation of National ICT Policy: Case of Malawi
F Makoza, W Chigona
IST Africa 2016 Conference, 11-13 May, 2016, Durban, South Africa, 1-14, 2016
The impact of ICT use on livelihoods of microenterprises: Case of South Africa
F Makoza
An analysis of the COVID-19 contact tracing App in South Africa: Challenges experienced by users
RW Albertus, F Makoza
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 15 (1 …, 2023
National ICT policy challenges for developing countries: A grounded theory informed literature review
F Makoza
International Journal of Technology Policy and Law 3 (2), 107-130, 2019
Problematising Development and Poverty in the ICT policy of Malawi
F Makoza, W Chigona
Interaction patterns and ICT use to support the livelihoods of microenterprises
F Makoza, W Chigona
International Journal of ICT Research and Development in Africa (IJICTRDA) 4 …, 2014
Critical Analysis of Telecommunications Regulatory Governance in Malawi
F Makoza
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking …, 2021
Ex-post stakeholder analysis of national ICT Policy subsystem: Case of Malawi
F Makoza, W Chigona
International Journal of ICT Research in Africa and the Middle East …, 2016
Critical Mass of Women Legislators and Oversight for National ICT policy of Malawi
F Makoza
International Journal of E-Politics 8 (4), 49-67, 2017
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Articles 1–20