Michael R. Hoffmann
Michael R. Hoffmann
Professor of Environmental Science & Chemistry, Engineering & Applied Science, Caltech, NAE, CAE
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Environmental applications of semiconductor photocatalysis
MR Hoffmann, ST Martin, W Choi, DW Bahnemann
Chemical reviews 95 (1), 69-96, 1995
The Role of Metal Ion Dopants in Quantum-Sized TiO2: Correlation between Photoreactivity and Charge Carrier Recombination Dynamics
W Choi, A Termin, MR Hoffmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98 (51), 13669-13679, 2002
Electrohydraulic discharge and nonthermal plasma for water treatment
BR Locke, M Sato, P Sunka, MR Hoffmann, JS Chang
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 45 (3), 882-905, 2006
Preparation and characterization of quantum-size titanium dioxide
C Kormann, DW Bahnemann, MR Hoffmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 92 (18), 5196-5201, 1988
Photolysis of chloroform and other organic molecules in aqueous titanium dioxide suspensions
C Kormann, DW Bahnemann, MR Hoffmann
Environmental science & technology 25 (3), 494-500, 1991
Preparation and characterization of quantum size zinc oxide: a detailed spectroscopic study
DW Bahnemann, C Kormann, MR Hoffmann
Journal of physical chemistry 91 (14), 3789-3798, 1987
Effects of Single Metal-Ion Doping on the Visible-Light Photoreactivity of TiO2
J Choi, H Park, MR Hoffmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (2), 783-792, 2010
Oxidative Power of Nitrogen-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts under Visible Illumination
M Mrowetz, W Balcerski, AJ Colussi, MR Hoffmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (45), 17269-17273, 2004
Photocatalytic production of H2O2 and organic peroxides in aqueous suspensions of TiO2, ZnO, and desert sand
C Kormann, DW Bahnemann, MR Hoffmann
Environmental science & technology 22 (7), 798-806, 1988
Optimization of ultrasonic irradiation as an advanced oxidation technology
I Hua, MR Hoffmann
Environmental Science & Technology 31 (8), 2237-2243, 1997
An overview of snow photochemistry: evidence, mechanisms and impacts
AM Grannas, AE Jones, J Dibb, M Ammann, C Anastasio, HJ Beine, ...
Atmospheric chemistry and physics 7 (16), 4329-4373, 2007
Treatment technologies for aqueous perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA)
CD Vecitis, H Park, J Cheng, BT Mader, MR Hoffmann
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China 3, 129-151, 2009
Photocatalytic production of H2O2 and organic peroxides on quantum-sized semiconductor colloids
AJ Hoffman, ER Carraway, MR Hoffmann
Environmental science & technology 28 (5), 776-785, 1994
Application of ultrasonic irradiation for the degradation of chemical contaminants in water
MR Hoffmann, I Hua, R Höchemer
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 3 (3), S163-S172, 1996
A comparison of computerized chemical models for equilibrium calculations in aqueous systems
DK Nordstrom, LN Plummer, TML Wigley, TJ Wolery, JW BALL, EA Jenne, ...
Photocatalytic oxidation of organic acids on quantum-sized semiconductor colloids
ER Carraway, AJ Hoffman, MR Hoffmann
Environmental science & technology 28 (5), 786-793, 1994
Ultrasonic irradiation of p-nitrophenol in aqueous solution
A Kotronarou, G Mills, MR Hoffmann
the journal of physical chemistry 95 (9), 3630-3638, 1991
Photochemical mechanism of size-quantized vanadium-doped TiO2 particles
ST Martin, CL Morrison, MR Hoffmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98 (51), 13695-13704, 1994
The sonochemical degradation of azobenzene and related azo dyes: rate enhancements via Fenton's reactions
JM Joseph, H Destaillats, HM Hung, MR Hoffmann
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104 (2), 301-307, 2000
Effects of the preparation method of the ternary CdS/TiO 2/Pt hybrid photocatalysts on visible light-induced hydrogen production
H Park, W Choi, MR Hoffmann
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (20), 2379-2385, 2008
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Articles 1–20